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I haven't been totally idle.....

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Divided he ad:
Honestly :)

Just a few pic's of something I threw out over a few hours for a mate. (seriously the only marking out was the pen you see on the bits everything was made to fit)

Ok, a little back story first....

I have a lot of friends with various versions of the fast Ford RS variety cars, one of them has a Sierra Sapphire Cosworth and a rather unfortunate habit of finding major faults with his car  :doh:

He had to buy a "reconditioned" cylinder head for it a few months back after his one of his camshafts snapped due to the cylinder head being warped after some aluminium welding had been done on it before he owned it the "new" head cost nearly a £1000.00! :jaw:  It was fitted by himself and another of my mechahacanicing friends....

The so called "reconditioned" head had to have 9 M8 and 1 M6 re-coils fitted before it could be used!! Not too impressed!  But in the end it was on and all appeared well....

Now onto the reason for this post ("Hooray" they all say!)

He now needs the valve stem oil seals replacing because they are letting oil past them.....They were probably never changed in the so called "recondition"! "So just change them" you think?  Well erm, no.

You see ordinarily the head has to come back off the vehicle..... There are comercially available tools for on car valve spring removal. But not being sure if they would fit/work on this car and not being made of money, £100.00 plus seems a bit steep for the bit of kit required (to be honest £20.00 would be after the huge outlay he has had so far!!)

So he supplied me with his old head and I made this out of a pile of my old scrap for a very specific job  :)

To attach it to the head....

To compress the spring.....a 25mm mild steel bar.

Add a bit of flat bar with a hook at one end and a hole for the pivot drilled in it and.....

No expensive metals were harmed in the making of this tool, only the washers and the 25mm Dia bar had been purchased a long time ago!
(all other bits were once part of garage doors  :lol:)

Well, I just thought I'd make sure you didn't think I was idle!  :ddb:  (it's being tested tomorrw morning about 11:00!! )

I would have been in the 'shop last night and tonight making bits 'n' bobs if is wasn't for the fact that (I should be changing my sign in for "Dividedthumb"?) on Thursday I sliced down through my right thumb nail and top of my thumb with a very sharp knife.....  :doh:    It makes it a little hard to hold things!!   ::)


Typical, cutting your own fingers off, just to make excuses for not posting in a while.

The lengths some people will go to. :lol:

Joking aside Ralph, I do hope all is OK.

But on the other hand (pun intended), I would definitely be beneficial to have six digits on one hand, you can pick up one more bottle of beer than everyone else.

Nice tool you have made there, I just hope it works as well as you have designed and made it.


Nice going there Ralph, do let us see it in action when the time comes   :clap:

Nice tool, it;s great when you can help your friends out.
When I cut my fingers like that I call it joining the digital divide!  Last time it happened was from leaving a guard off of my band saw.
Hoping it heals ok.

Hi Ralph

 :thumbup:  we should have one of these with a bandaged thumb  :lol:

Joking aside, I hope it heals quickly for you and doesn't give too much discomfort.

Nice job with that spring compressor, be interested to see how it works I think I've got it figured but just in case a pic would be nice.

Have fun



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