Interesting, why the hatred of python? It has become the defacto scripting language for linux, and a lot of neural networks . I think it'll be around a while.
A few reasons: It's an interpreted script language, which I'm not keen on for starters (I don't like JS much either!); the format of the source code is an integral part of the language, which IMHO makes it harder to read & reason about (especially in a text only paged environment), plus - from what little I've read & seen - it seems to lean heavily on global variables; you can kill one library by importing another that overwrites its keywords...
Probably the biggest for me, though: I've only got a certain amount of brain matter, and I need to know SQL, Typescript, Go, C++, C#, Regex and Bash scripting just for my day-to-day stuff... adding another language in there will force something important out, like remembering to breathe, or how to use a lathe safely! So... it's not for me. It also reminds me a lot of Visual Basic (VB in the early days): One of those languages that "anyone" can learn, then you see what they write & come to the conclusion that whilst anyone CAN learn VB, most probably SHOULDN'T! I also had similar experiences with Microsoft Access ("Anyone can create a database!") - trying to unpick the disaster that someone's created in MS Access is a nightmare, and some years ago, I had to do it multiple times.
So having said all of that: I'm one of those electronics guys that real electronics guys shake their heads about

Re using a raspberry pi as a display. That's something I may well do for the grinder project. I'm leaning towards using the existing motors on the Yand Z axes (to save making geared handwheels) and using another pico or two to drive the servo h bridge. Adding a pi might give me enough power to do some simple cnc grinding (of drills etc.)
The Pi is great, but I wish there was a microcontroller-esque way of programming it. Waiting for Linux to boot before your program starts is - for DROs and similar - a bit of a chore. Yes, a good hacker can get that boot time down to a handful seconds, but for most of us that's going to be beyond our pay grade: If there were a nice, reasonably simple, IDE where one could burn an SD card that booted bare-metal onto the Pi (but with the ability to access the GPIOs, the HDMI, the network, the sound capabilites... then how cool would that be? Well - so long as it wasn't Python obviously!