Quiet in here

I purloined and few bits from a scrap wire-eroder that have inspired a couple of project ideas - (it was working and only scrapped because it needed to be moved and the only way to get it out of the workshop was in bits)
From the U/V wire-angle mechanism I have an incredible two-axis slide unit - cross roller guides, 1mm pitch ball screws , preloading gears has to have been designed for micron precision or better . But more on this later...
From the head unit I have a couple of Rexroth double row ball linear guides . These are far too good to use on the plasma cutter I had planned , hence this surface grinder idea.
A while ago , on YouTube, Stefan Gateswinter' showed off his new Bema surface grinder (
https://www.bemagmbh.de/en/range-of-services/lever-operated-flat-grinding-machine/) I liked the compact size and novel layout. I also had a pair of US made servo linear axes modules very much like the ones used on the Bema , I just needed something for the table to slide on.
The design is a bolted aluminium construction , using 25mm plate for the base and 10-15mm plates to stiffen where required . The table will have a travel of about 11inches (280mm) with the head traversing 14" (350mm) or so. It should have about 12" (300mm) above the table .
I'm not sure about spindle ATM. I have an old Black&Decker grinder spindle (yes I know B&D but it is from the days when they made a better class of tool)
I'll probably use a chain driven table (Like Bema) but may motorise the Vertical and traverse since it will be easier than adding handles .
If I can find a suitable head unit, the Z will have a 0.1um Mitutoyo scale also courtesy of the wirer :-)
Coming soon ... microscope and/or Nano-mill