The Shop > Metal Stuff

I bought another deader

<< < (5/5)

Plan A was to reuse the existing liner when building the burn-out oven.  That would have limited me to the ID of the existing liner, which I think is around 78-80mm.  That's not much bigger than the 3" exhaust tubing that I plan to make my flasks out of.  So this liner being unusable is probably a good thing.  This furnace originally had the liner/heater assembly with 2 layers of about 1/2" thick insulating blanket wrapped around it, and all of that was stuffed into the metal shell.  The shell wound up around 7-8" in diameter.

Plan B will increase the liner ID to around 4" (100mm) or more, and the heating element will be on the inside of the liner instead of the outside.  I can understand why they put the heater on the outside though, a crucible failure probably wouldn't damage the heating element like that.  But that also meant that the heat had to be driven through the ceramic liner before it got in where it could do any good.  Since this will be a burnout oven it won't be exposed to those types of temperatures or possible crucible failures.  So the heating element is going inside the liner.  I also plan on increasing the insulation layer, going from about 1" thick to about 2" thick.

Now I need to start doing some 3D modeling - so I can get the plastic-pooping-robots making some molds for the various parts I'll need to cast.


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