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--- Quote from: Muzzerboy on October 10, 2023, 01:02:30 PM ---Nice looking part. This is one of those tools I fancy having a go at. I'd want it to be usable in both the lathe and milling machine. I'll be interested to see how you get on.

I don't know if you noticed, but RotarySMP has been gaining some experience(!) in making these bits recently. He has a chuck sent to him by one of his viewers.

The chucks look reasonably easy to make once you've figured out the best way to hold the body at the required 1 degree angle. Famous last words!

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Thank you for the video, I have subscribed.
As for the chuck I am still mulling it over but have collected a few parts and started drawing my ideas up on freecad. My design will hopefully be usable in my turret head so I can mount drill, countersink and broaching tool for quicker operations. I will set up a thread on "projects" when I start.

--- Quote from: AdeV on October 10, 2023, 04:34:13 AM ---Oh, that is NICE!

I cheat when making hex holes - I use a EDM machine :D Although that only works if the thing I'm "drilling" is quite small, otherwise it won't fit in the tank  :Doh:

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I looked into cheap and cheerful EDM when I first looked at doing this but decided that for the quantity I hope to be needing it would take too long. Having said that I would really like to play about with EDM but must not get distracted.  :wack:
When I went to the midland model engineering exhibition last week I picked up some 1/2" round hss which are about 65mm long so cut in half can make two bits each.
Spent most of the weekend messing about making the bits, so far I have made a 10mm and a 6mm there is a 8mm still in the jig but I messed up it up so its undersize but no big loss I will just grind it down to make a 5mm broach.
The 6mm seems to have come out really well and the 10mm is measuring good too.
I've just made the rotary broach with its one degree offset but not yet a broaching tool to try it out.

Mine takes 12mm and 6mm dia tools (6mm with an adaptor).

I already had a suitable INA combined needle and thrust bearing so designed it around it. It has a 2MT arbor so it can be used in the bench drill or lathe tailstock (with a 2MT to 3MT adaptor)

An adapter is a good idea actually, would certainly save time grinding the smaller ones. I do have the beginnings of the tool holder but I am making mine with adjustment to dial it in. I will post it up when done.
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