The Shop > Tools

Any YAG laser experts here ?

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At 150W, if you get that beast working you'll be able to cut with extreme prejudice at a high rate of speed. But cut what??  Besides any fingers or toes that just happen to get in the way that is.  (The scene from Goldfinger springs to mind.)

Good luck with the rebuild and watch those fingers and toes.


Anyone here (in Uk) want this ?

It's taking up shed space and I'm not going to do anything with it soon, so ...

It FOC to anyone who can collect.

Shoot me a PM if you're interested.


Hi Bill,

I don't want it!

But it's brought back memories of a Quantronix YAG laser we had for scribing semiconductors. It was my responsibility to install and get the process up and running. It needed a lot of cooling water and I remember having to install a leg in the feed pipe half full of air to remove the violent knock every time the solenoid shut off the flow! I'd forgotten about Q-Switches until you mentioned them.

Diamond saws soon made the Quantronix obsolete. It may well have ended up as scrap.



someone with laser expertise has stepped up from the EEVblog.  Hopefully, it'll have a new home soon  :D

The engraver is now in the hands of Dan from the eevblog , who has already got it working partially.


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