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Enjomor Hit & Miss Running!


Jim Dobson:
Enjomor Hit & Miss Running!

On a temporary board and needs some fine tuning, but running now…..thank you for your help 🙌

tom osselton:
Very nice ! So why did you have no spark?

Jim Dobson:
Thanks Tom.

It was my fault :( working on the engine before ever starting it I took the governor apart and it is has a cam gear on the back and without thinking I just put it back any old way and forgot about it. So the XXX amount of times trying to get it started was never going to happen.
At least now that it is running I can start making adjustments to s-l-o-w it down.



Sometimes, the excitement of working on engines can lead to a few oversights. Glad you figured it out. Now that it's running, tweaking it will be a breeze. Just remember, take it one step at a time and you'll have it purring perfectly!


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