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Dial for old scales
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Phil, John - SALTER got left behind while I was moving it all to the middle of the page - thanks for pointing it out - I'd have been annoyed if I hadn't noticed it before I'd finished.

Phil, I could do something like yours - but I'm trying to make it fancy.  I have thought about doing a metric dial on the back of the imperial one.  Interestingly I found a picture of an original metric scale which was calibrated to 15 kilos (about 33 pounds) - I think they would just have adjusted the bar that goes through the spring to make the spring shorter.

Russ, the original was white paint on tin plate, with the design printed or stencilled on.

Andrew, that is a very good idea.  I had actually thought of that but dismissed it because I thought it would be difficult to get a printout without pinholes in the large white areas, but you prompted me to look again, and I discovered negative photoresist.  I've never done circuit boards like that - I generally use press'n'peel.  I will investigate further.

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