So after much time I have got the surface grinderish back together, I am calling it a surface grinderish because its very well worn and could do with scraping flat again before it will do anything like accurate work over the length its capable of but it will do fine for things like tool grinding once I have made some jigs.
Anyway on to the queries:
First off I have very little experience with surface grinding but most of the ones I have used/seen spin the wheel in a clockwise direction but this is spinning anti-clockwise. Not sure if this makes any difference but should I bother attempting to reverse the motor? I am now trying to recall the thread direction for mounting the wheel I guess that would give me my answer will have to note that tomorrow.
Next query is more a request to see any wheel dressing jigs to get some ideas on what to make, it needs to be able to do the flat and face of the wheel. Searching has shown me plenty of options possibly my favourite being a radius dressing one which I think could do all I want with the bonus of dressing a radius should I ever need to. My main limitation is lack of movement second picture shows the bed as far forward as it will go I am seriously considering shortening the shaft which I think will give me better use of the bed. I'm sure that whoever coverted it made it to do what was needed at the time May have been my uncle but as he sadly passed recently I can not now discuss it with him.