We had the worst flooding that we've experienced so far in the 15 years we've been here - all fields inundated, the River Line a branch of which runs behind our cottages was as high as I've ever seen it, and the River Brede that runs two fields over topped it's banks and flowed everywhere .
A21 outside closed due to water with several (plonker drivers) cars stuck marooned. I could only see six of the thirty six sheep that should be on the main 10 acre field

Glad I did a bit of ditching earlier in the year as the majority of it has gone this morning and we were able to get down to the far end of the ten acre where the sheep were last seen. Sadly three had succumbed but two carcasses were in places still far too deep to sensibly recover - no point in drowning to recover a dead body.
Conscious that one was adjacent to a foot path we wanted to move it to avoid stress to dog walkers but that's not possible currently, and sure enough we've just had a visit from a very charming young lady from the RSPCA in response to reports. Took her to see and she completely agrees not worth risking human life for a carcass.