I have a 2.2kw inverter in my shop which currently is running my homemade mill, this previously used a 0.8kw or thereabout but when I was offered this inverter at work I came away with a portion of the bosses arm

and being daft I then gave the smaller one to my mate for his hobbymat lathe.
Now also from work I have a 2.2kw motor which I am going to fit to my Harrison lathe. The reason being I need to be able to run the lathe in reverse to use a die head to cut some left handed threads.
I have a barrel switch? which can direct the inverter output between the lathe and the mill but the controls for the inverter are wired to a box with some magnets to mount it where I want it but I would prefer some kind of wireless solution if possible. There are 6 wires in total FORWARD-GND-REVERSE and 3 for the speed pot.
So I am firstly asking if I should even switch this inverter between the two machines, I cant imagine it would cause a problem but maybe other can see one.
secondly I am looking for suggestions for a wireless remote to control the inverter.