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T&C Grinder Stones Unpacked At Last !

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Could you not make a free standing or wheeled carousel type storage rack? It would have to have a low C of G to make it tip proof, but without making the bottom too wide so that it took up to much space, larger wheels at the bottom and smaller towards the top might do it, or even a triangular profile with more storage lower down and you could infill the "walls" with plywood with the dowels going straight through with a grinding wheel on each end of the dowel

Floor . . . . .Floor . . . . you think I have FLOOR  :clap:

I remember John Stevenson being amazed when he occasionally caught a glimpse of his floor !

In the corner between the surface grinder and the T&C grinder I have a large granite surface plate on it's proper stand. It's just being used as a horizontal surface - I never use it for it's proper purpose. Were it to go to a new home not only would I have two more bits of wall  but possibly something less enormously heavy could live there on wheels!

So, genuine free offer - if anyone wants an granite surface table on stand and arranges to shift it it's yours for the asking. IIRC it's 18" x 36". Edges have a few chips but as John would have said, still make a serviceable grave stone !

Just measured it - it's in fact 36" x 24"

Sure send it on over Andrew!

Actually, no......I have the same problem with a cast iron surface plate, and no floor space, in fact it even takes up benchtop space -- even more of a premium.  :bang:


--- Quote from: awemawson on May 31, 2022, 01:40:35 PM ---Floor . . . . .Floor . . . . you think I have FLOOR  :clap:

So, genuine free offer - if anyone wants an granite surface table on stand and arranges to shift it it's yours for the asking. IIRC it's 18" x 36". Edges have a few chips but as John would have said, still make a serviceable grave stone !

--- End quote ---

Well! I might be over this summer for the first time in three years! I'll have to talk to Chris as I'll be coming over by train this time!

Cheers, Matthew


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