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Help on Mini mill Makeover

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--- Quote from: CrewCab on August 07, 2009, 01:57:28 PM ---
--- Quote from: klank on June 20, 2009, 06:17:18 AM ---Has anybody done a mod. for this - or is it still the best way to "live" with the rubber accordian thingys! 
--- End quote ---

They are a real PITA aren't they  :hammer: ............... but no, I've not come up with a better alternative, I just Vac out the chips regularly.


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Wot he said.......  ::)

David D

Eric, David, CC, Jim - a thousand apologies for not replying to you sooner - I had given up on getting any reply on this question and have not looked at it for ages.
Thank you all for the comments and for taking the trouble to post a kind reply.

Still stuck with the bellows then!!!

I have sent the "page/plan" for that tombstone plate seperately Eric.

My X2 mill may be a slight up-grade on the one shown in the plan. The big central bolt on mine is 24mm dia. - not as shown in the plan. I had to bore it out very slowly from a sheet of black steel I had scrounged.
The "wedges" at the back/bottom are also of a different dimension to fit mine.

It has transformed the cutting "feel" now - much cleaner finish when milling and it seems rock solid.
I bolted it up all the way round after checking the tram - I never intend to use the "tilt" feature.
Hope this helps.


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