The Shop > CNC
CNC painting system, another silly idea?
Could a printer be sacrificed to help?
John Hill:
I think the stepper motor I am using for the brush is from a quite old IBM line-flo printer! :beer:
I was more thinking the print head being used to outline :lol: but probably going to be slow.
John Hill:
--- Quote from: shipto on February 20, 2022, 05:59:15 AM ---I was more thinking the print head being used to outline :lol: but probably going to be slow.
--- End quote ---
Now that is an idea...................... :coffee: :coffee:
Now re/painted all 240 parts for the cnc with yacht quality outdoor epoxy paint.
And the outside main house door, metal, 5.6 x 2.3 m, both sides.
Using a shiny, glossy, 2-part epoxy paint, and a proper 50 l low-speed conpressor, and a proper industrial paint gun.
Results are absolutely fabulous.
Fully automotive/yacht quality.
The downside is that the paint gun was 90€,
compressor 190€ on clearance sale,
and the paints are 35€ each l, now about 8 l in..
Also painted the steel I beams that the new sauna will rest on, 3 coats, and they look totally fab.
Foundation beams, that bolt to concrete slab via 316LSS rods and nuts.
5.8 m long x 160 mm tall, IPN profile I beams.
We ground it to shiny white metal first, then painted immediately.
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