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3d printer - Leapfrog creatr conversion

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This is going well... (probably should not have said that)

I had to rewire the mains connector because the wires were an inch too short. Interestingly the  'as used in the school from where I bought it' , wiring  was arse-about-face !    :zap:

  I'd had a couple of minor buzzes from the thing while it was switched off and was a little puzzled as to why. The live and neutral was swapped on the IEC connector so that the switch was in the neutral side !

It's going ..

Well, I really should not have said that.

However, once dialed in the first layer was quite good, and until the extruder seized and the part cooler fan refused to start without a flick , it was looking like a printer again.

After a fight with Marlin's config and a string of adhesion issues , I have almost managed to print something  :D

A typical  Benchy 

The bottom third looks ok-ish Then , after adjusting the cooling , the hot-end faulted with a 'runaway' error (the original cooling fan broke so i was running a bodged up thing ) 
It resumed the print but reset the 100% flow until I noticed. Unfortunately, I tweaked the speed down to 95% instead of the flow and scratched my head until I noticed  . By then it was a complete mess so I wound the speed up to 200% ...   

and spat it off the bed . 

I have a benchy, it's crap  - no cooling - but it was started from cold without intervention and it completed  .

With cooling (I just glued in a new fan to the old duct) , the benchy is a lot more wholesome . Still some shrinkage at the bow and overhangs are poor (needs more cooling )  . There's a bit of stringing - temperature?. Maybe a bit of under extrusion too (might be cooling , it is worse at the back side of the extruder) .   Corners are a bit bulgy I may have to pick your brains about pressure advance etc.  If you squint, you can just about make out something, something, benchy on the stern . base shows a little bit of curling, but the painted surface is not great for adhesion.


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