I have wanted to fit a coolant pump to my lathe for a good while and since I am being asked to do more stuff for the die heads via my wifes work I figured I ought to get on with it. Looking at the cost of the self contained systems however I almost fainted

My Harrison has a shaft that protrudes through the head that I assume was for a coolant pump when it was first made sometime around the 1940's so I am going to make use of that. I did try searching for the correct pump to fit onto it but no luck there.
I just happened to have one of the cheap as chips Draper drill powered pumps lying around in the shop so I am going to attempt to drive that from the shaft with a couple of GT2 pullies.
I have already made the boss for the drive side and fitted it with the first pulley and the next job is to mount the pump itself with a bit of adjustment to tension the belt. I am thinking that GT2 may not quite be up to the job and I may have to invest in a set of GT3 pullies and belt.