The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Tidying Up An Analoy 1401 Alloy Analyser

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They've gone over to XRF analysis like everyone else, and from being a British company for decades I see from Companies House that their one Director is now Chinese.

The instrument that I've been pulling apart is amazingly well made and a work of art - I doubt that the bean counters were involved in it's development !

It's testament to the quality that it's still working at least 30 years on !

Andrew, what size and shape sample does it use? I don't have a good mental picture of how it is loaded for a test, or where the electrodes are in relation to the test sample. Can you take a pic of what it looks like ready to test a sample?

Oh, also, I just noticed that the "protective windows" seem to be standard microscope slide cover slips. Cool!  :thumbup:

Steve I'm attaching a picture that may help. The 'heel' is rested on the sample and the graphite point is brought into contact to strike an arc.

So you can see it will work on quite a small  sample.

Thanks Andrew. I see. So you don't actually have to prepare a sample. This device is just placed against a metal object to do the analysis.

I've just read a really interesting explanation from 1922 of the then new science of quantitative spectrographic analysis, and since I know you enjoy reading this kind of stuff, too, here it is:

Thanks Steve,

You may have missed this thread that I posted some years ago about my analysers:,9244.msg102025.html#msg102025


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