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Drawing interpretation

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Particularly as you have a DRO, dimensioning with co-ordinates from a corner datum makes life much easier. CNC works this way after all.

Why the drawing has a mix of co-ordinate and chained dimensions (9/32" and 1 1/2")is a bit odd. The 1 1/2" dimension might be critical but if it is it should be toleranced accordingly.

I too am a child of the 50s but always worked in mm. (Working for a Dutch company might have had something to do that.)

I hate fractions with a passion - how many machines have dials with fractions?



--- Quote from: John Rudd on January 08, 2021, 12:25:40 PM ---Steve,
So to clarify,
All measurements are based on the 0 datum?

i.e  9/16 from 0 rather than the 1/4"?  That would make that hole location 5/16 from the first? ...then the fourth hole would be 1-1/2" from 0?

--- End quote ---

Yes, John. For the holes you asked about.

For the other two holes (double circles) on the drawing that you didn't mention, the first is measured from the right edge, the second is from the first hole.

John Rudd:
Thanks guys.....I'll make sure I dont cock up the second piece of plate..., :dremel: :doh: :doh:

oh noooooooooooooo...  :(

I looked at the drawing and surmised that the dimensions were cumulative from 0,0 due to there being no right facing arrow heads between the dimensions. Adding to the confusion I think is that  above the dimensions queried there is a mix of single and double arrow head dimensions.

Anyway, reading further if found that vtsteam offered the solution in the very next post.

Grew up with imperial, switched to metric (Basically had to for work) and can confirm that grams and decimals thereof are WAY easier to track than Drams, Oz and pounds.
Still visualize stuff in feet and inches though as in someone talks of 75mm, I think (yeah, about 3").
Split personality????   :(


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