The Craftmans Shop > General Crafts

Turret clock

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Wickes are still delivering Jumbo bags of ballast - I had on the other days for the base of my external Oxy-Acetylene cage.

Thanks Andrew unfortunately we dont have a Wicks near here  Both my local Jewsons and Travis are only delivering to account customers  I normally buy from a local quarry at about £22.00 a ton if I collect . I have just looked on there web site  and it would seem that a local Tarmac quarry is still open .
If not as a last resort I could go to the next door farm where my son works and they have a section of disused railway .
The track balast is long gone but there is still some ballast there that is just about OK at a push 

The local quarry is open again so collected 2tons of ballast and dug out and made 4 small footing for the clock tower.

Started to get the frame ready .I started this about 4 years ago and due to many other project it has sat around..

I have quite a lot of stone so I will try and build a small wall at the base of the tower .Some of the stone is carved and looks like part of a window frame

I was given a length of bronze line so fitted it to the clock and made a pulley from a old cast iron handle from a water valve and a bit of scrap brass

That's going to keep you busy for a few days  :clap:

I have made one of the roof trusses today
All the wood that I have used to build the main frame was rejected  by the saw mill and I brought it as fire wood ,some of the quality  is not good but it is fine for this job . Tomorrow I hope to get the main frame up .but will need to find some more wood to finishes the  other roof truss and make some purlins .


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