The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Resurrection of a CFEI 100 KVA Induction Furnace

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Water level subsiding so I took off the back of the box. In the words of Wes (*)

"There's Your Problem Lady!"

One of the 13 mm pipes has come clean off its copper tail - now as you can see in the picture these are retained by plastic hose clamps - years back I found that steel ones got too much magnetic coupling and got too hot!

Need to test that the coil is free flowing and that it wasn't a blockage that caused it to come off.

(* This is a quote from 'Watch Wes Work' on YouTube - he repairs vehicles in a rural part of America and previously was a CNC machine repairer so has a very logical and resourceful approach to fault finding - well worth watching)

Sorry to hear about Hugo, Andrew. Its a massive kick when a good friend like that passes. My two are the only company I have while working at home all day so I can understand how you feel. Sad times :(

I too am addicted to Wes. He reminds me of you in a way, cool, logical, not phased by repairing things. The only thing that horrifies me is the state of some of the 'vehicles' he works on - a product of salty roads and no state inspection I guess, but that these things share the roads with other people is really quite scary.

Pete W.:

My lovely but shy assistant (LBSA) and I offer our condolances on the passing of Hugo.  I fear I can't remember if he was a 'V' or a 'W' but in either case I can't spell it!

There are five German Shepherd Dogs and at least one 'Heinz57' interred in our back garden.  (And three cats.)  One GSD and the Heinz57 passed before LBSA and I were married but we both mourned the passing in turn of the most recent four GSDs.  Making that final decision is always hard, however well one can rationalise it, it's a life so always an awesome responsibility and always painful.

LBSA has talked herself into walking our neighbours' two dogs twice a day, usually three days a week, sometimes five, because the dogs would otherwise be left alone all day with no stimulation and no exercise.  She very much takes the dogs' side!!
So sorry to hear about Hugo, Andrew. I remember sitting on the sofa with him...

Re the pipe problem. I'd not be happy with a straight pipe stub and pipe that softens with heat. Surely a barbed end would be preferable?


--- Quote from: on February 21, 2023, 09:54:09 AM ---Re the pipe problem. I'd not be happy with a straight pipe stub and pipe that softens with heat. Surely a barbed end would be preferable?

--- End quote ---

Or maybe just soldering a ring of copper wire around the existing copper stub?  Something that would give the plastic hose clamps a little more traction against slippage.


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