greetings from Druid Central, South Wales

ran my own eng./steel fab./crane hire/machinery movement biz for 35 years ... 'til my body let me down and had to retire prematurely, with an inherited and very rare disease called Gaucher's, that I never knew I had .... until it put me in hospital for a couple of weeks, wondering if I was coming back out .

that was ten years ago and having taken some time to recover, still 'dabble' as and how i can ... once a fabricator - always a fabricator ... but miss my 10,000 sq ft workshop and all its facilities

live in a small barn conversion in the sticks with a couple of acres and have been leveling a large banked area of ground, to erect a workshop/boy's toys shed on, for quite some time, as the weather and my body permit. Plus all the other various projects that SWMBO can dream up and all my own tinkerings/projects along the way

now have most of it leveled off & surfaced and it's shed time soon (hopefully this year), but just had a health set back,

when a routine 6 monthly scan put me back in hospital for a week, with pancreatitis, which is going to take a while to get over - aside from my other
'routine' Gaucher's issues for which I have a weekly treatment for by infusion, which my 'partner in crime' has been trained to administer and all the other bits an' bobs that goes with the territory.
can see a few names on here that are familiar from other forums and some very interesting and clever folks too ... hope I can contribute summat to 'the story'.
