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Made some new air inlets with barbs for my Siamese Twin

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Just a little note.

In the UK we tend to use silicone model engine fuel tube for for small airlines such as Bob is using, whereas in the States they tend to use plastic fish tank tubing.

The barbed fittings are OK for plastic tubing as it will grip very well, but for silicone you cannot use any sharp edges at all, the pipe will just tear where it comes into contact with a sharp edge, so you can still use a 'barbed' type fitting, as long as you smooth down all sharp edges first.

Also, silicone has a tendancy to balloon out and pop off the fitting, so if possible, wrap the joint with a couple of turns of plastic coated garden wire and that will stop it popping off.


John thanks for adding that insight to the post, sharp edges + silicone = bad news... :bang:

I haven't forgot about those asking for better pics, I was out in the shop last night but forgot my phone (I use it's camera) and just as I stepped into the shop a fierce thunderstorm broke out so I didn't venture back up to the house to get the phone.   Several hours later I had to evacuate the shop and get back up to the house because we went under a tornado warning.  Thankfully it didn't actually touch down.


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