Author Topic: My week this week, my workshop videos!  (Read 106292 times)

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #200 on: October 29, 2022, 10:45:13 AM »
Hi Guys, sorry, no video this week, the covid got me, I am slowly recovering!

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Offline awemawson

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #201 on: October 29, 2022, 10:59:53 AM »
Get well soon Phil.
Andrew Mawson
East Sussex

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #202 on: December 15, 2022, 08:21:23 AM »
Hi all, I get back to the workshop on the Thursday of this week, was going to do friday as well, but circumstances overtook me and I never got there. As winter approaches fast I decided to crack on with the heating, and find the fan which is most suitable has knackered bearings, more on order as we speak. I have other fans I could use, but they are predomantly plastic, and although they would work, not really suitable for a burner! I also have a few gas boiler flue fans, but all have a 2" outlet! I will prevail! I will try to get back Monday and see how it goes, the fishermans freinds are a usefull anti cough!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #203 on: December 15, 2022, 08:51:24 AM »
There are also THREE others that I forgot to add to forums, please go to 

[ Invalid YouTube link ]videos

to watch them!

Thanking you all for your continued support as I recover from the dread virus!!

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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #204 on: December 17, 2022, 10:21:54 AM »
Hi all,
Just a short video to bring the 2022 fun and games to a close! I am not a great christmas fan, mainly because of the cold weather, the rampant consumerism and the cynical exploitation used to extract peoples cash! BAH HUMBUG!! Having said that it is a good excuse to do nothing with lots of good food and glasses of port and brandy, to aid the digestion and keep out the cold you understand, and strictly NOT to be enjoyed in any other way! Hope you all have a good time and don't over indulge too much
A  merry Yule to one and all!!
It's flippin freezin in East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #205 on: January 21, 2023, 02:05:44 PM »
Hi all, I set off to Langtoft on Monday,  feeling more positive and healthier, and actually got a few little jobs done, then the weather closed down again, and towards the end of the week a freeze set in, and reports of cars sliding down Tigh Hoe hill ended my weeks optimism, I will have another go next  week, weather forecast is better!

Phil, Still freezing ower't wawd Tops.

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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #206 on: January 28, 2023, 12:16:11 PM »
Hi all,
another short video on some very interesting repairs to some metal antiques, preceded by a view of our freshly decorated front room ceiling wrecked by a pesky leak!! These things are sent to try us! I have been looking through my past (go pro) videos, and I am going to shoot some footage with it and do sound overdub because the wide angle effect on the go pro gives a farmore immersive experience! Feeling much better now as spring approaches and raring to get back in the shop full time!
Phil, in damp but warmer east Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #207 on: February 04, 2023, 11:43:14 AM »
Hi all,

Repairing  a broken hinge on a pair of sunglasses hardly seems like a worthwhile task, but the are the wifes favourite pair of Foster Grants from back in the day, So off I go! then we pick  up where we left off on the Holbrook, and start wprking towards the reassembly of the saddle and apron, and there is the small problem of the knock off rod that puts the screcutting feed out of gear, which is ever so slightly bent in more than one place, and needs to be straight!!
:Phil, in rapidly warming East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #208 on: February 12, 2023, 08:42:45 AM »
Hi all,

Do you ever have one of those weeks when you start out with the best intentions, but somehow get derailed by the wants and needs of others? It's called life! I did much more than this, including house calls to fix various electrical problems(which I couldn't film) Sorting my water pump on the workshop rainwater system, which is a tedious fault which refuses to  show up in testing, but manages to trip the RCD after the pump has run for a few seconds! I have now a workaround, connect it to a non RCD connected supply for a few moments, and it cures itself! This happens if I am away from the shop for more than a couple of weeks, but at all other times, used regularly, no problems! Anyway, I get the dowel pins bored for the Holbrook, and slowly we are staggering forward into spring!

Phil, in alternately sunny and dull East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #209 on: February 18, 2023, 11:10:11 AM »
Hi All,
Volvo V70 mot work, fitting new steering  column U/J which everyone seems to think you need to lower the subframe to get the lower U/J bolt out, you don't, it is just accesible from under the wheel arch but  you will need a good fitting 10mm socket and two 12" extension bars! Having not worked on cars since I was in my twenties this weeks work left me with aches in places I never  new I had! Conclusion and back onto the Holbrook next week! Welcome aboard to all the new subs, and thanks to all the old ones!
Phil, in almost springlike East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #210 on: February 25, 2023, 11:19:09 AM »
Hi All,
We complete the MOT work on the Volvo, only to find we can't get a test booked till next Wednesday! No matter, we have plenty of field work to complete so it is on to clearing out around the new fence in the Field and a couple od days of "Osswork" It nearly kills us, but we just survive! It has made a huge inprovement, and I can report that Saturday morning I am feeling better than I have felt since before getting covid in November. Even though the work is very hard, even the icy blast from the north on friday, complete with sleety rain Couldn't stop us!
Phil,  sun wind and sleet in East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #211 on: March 04, 2023, 12:11:03 PM »
Hi All,
The Volve passed its MOT! so keith is back on wheels again! So tis back to the fencing, and a day in the workshop doing a few jobs on the tractor,  and mending a pillar drill spindle for the FIL! Bitterly cold north wind blowing, and snow forecast for next tuesday! I may stay in bed!
Phil, the north wind doth blow and we shall have snow in East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #212 on: March 11, 2023, 09:35:08 AM »
Sorry folks, no video this week, went to the workshop monday had a good tidy up and did a few little jobs, reached for the camera only to realise that the case was empty and the camera was back in Driffield on my desk! then the weather turned and was very cold and snowy and Langtoft was suddenly very far away!! Back with a vengance next week!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #213 on: March 18, 2023, 12:02:59 PM »
Hi All,
We take advantage of the gradually warming weather to finish the fencing  on the dog run, and then clear out the rest of the bank top in prepeation for the new fence up the side of the field to the house.  Wednesday I am back in the workshop, and thursday its another mixed bag of Antique repairs and appliances on friday!
Phil, It could be spring  in East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #214 on: March 26, 2023, 09:56:41 AM »
I started the week with a couple of days of small repairs in the workshop, then went up to the field, and continued with our big clearance in readiness for the new fencing. Fixed a hydraulic leak on the tractor tip pipe. I also ordered the PTO clutch for the tractor, and on sunday, went to Catwick to buy a very reasonably priced machine lamp which is the exact one for the Harrison milling machine, but more of that next week!
Phil in windy, rainy but definitely springlike East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #215 on: April 01, 2023, 11:03:42 AM »
Hi All,

A short week again due to the recurring Covid symptoms that many people seem to be suffering from! Monday I started the rewire of the British Legion Hall which is about to become my brothers workshop,  Then a blur of headaches, stiff necks etc followed by a very productive friday whence I fitted the over run clutch to the fordson, and stripped and painted my new machine lamp for the Harrison millimg  machine. In all we are moving forward, unlike the weather which has regressed to wet and cold! All we need is a couple of good drying days and we will be grass cutting!
Phil, It is wet and cold in East Yorkshire!
Man who says it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it!

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #216 on: April 08, 2023, 11:32:53 AM »
Hi All,

This week I get to redecorate a machine lamp for the Harrison Mill, and a main switch for the legion rewire job. As usual we have a tidy up midweek, and then spend Friday removing the old fencing in the field The weather was not kind to us this week, we had two days of beutifull sunshine and were all set to give the tractor and topper its first outing on Wednesday, and it rained! we need about three days of clear breezy weather to get out and cut it! It will happen,but it needs to  be soon as it is slowly beginning to grow.
Phil, April showers in East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #217 on: April 15, 2023, 10:56:14 AM »
Hi All,
A week of field work and a lot of rain means that the grass will be growing, but too wet to cut! We are assaulted by wild dogs, and I get in the machine lamp rebuild as well!  All in all, a productive week, and got to meet a new friend called Noah who is into boatbuilding and wildlife preservation! Have a look at Carl Wilsons channel where he is refurbing a Harrison milling machine with an identical lovolite. A true perfectionist!
Phil, In biblically wet East Yorkshire

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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #218 on: April 22, 2023, 11:04:45 AM »
Hi All,
The Fordson comes into its own, and proves how tough it is! after an hour or so of clearing brambles the engine sounds sweet as a nut, the oil pressure and temperature are rock solid, and she is not smoking from the exhaust, it was always a good starter, but after an afternoons working it seems to be even better, The hydraulic leak has dissapeared and everything works as it should. I am  beggining to understand how to  set up the topper, and we have decided that after we have cleared all the brambles, we will drop it down a notch and do another cut, weather permitting of course. 
Phil, and warm and wet East Yorkshire.
Man who says it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it!

Offline pycoed

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #219 on: April 23, 2023, 12:18:27 PM »
Don't drive so fast & adjust the topper to be only slightly "nose - down". Make sure the topper is at 540rpm on the PTO & use low range to get a speed of about 2mph on the first pass.
This will give the topper the chance to double chop the brambles. Go over a second time as low as you dare & you'll mulch up much of the bramble stems & won't need to clear up. Carry plenty of shear bolts & tools to fit: spanner to fit nut & mole grips for bolt head, punch & hammer to knock out a broken bolt & wangle the holes back in line. Good luck!

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #220 on: April 24, 2023, 04:52:58 AM »
So far only one shear bolt,  but I have now  got spares  and tools in the box, which I didnt have before.  Unfortunately no rev counyer on this one, and it is a pain! thanks for the advice, , we will get it right eventually! Today we are fixing small tractor and trailer so we can clear the wood that has accumulated, charging in blind and hitting a log doesnt work!
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Offline vintageandclassicrepairs

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #221 on: April 28, 2023, 06:56:08 PM »
Hi Phil,
Did you find a transformer for the Lathe light ?
I have a complete spare transformer unit,
I removed the trafo and mounted the VFD controls into the housing making a new front plate


Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #222 on: April 29, 2023, 11:07:26 AM »
No I didnt John, where are you as it is too heavy to post!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #223 on: April 29, 2023, 11:09:18 AM »
Hi All,
A short showery week, but we made inroads into having useful and reliable machinery to use in the field! I find a major problem( but easily solved) with the throttle set up on the Toro tractor, and the dodgy clutch is fixed to perfection! I fit (another) new starter, and various other problems which have shown up during "field trials". Then we finish the framing and boarding on the trailer, but first we fix the puncture!
Windy and wet in East yorkshire with even a few snowflakes!
Man who says it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it!

Offline vintageandclassicrepairs

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #224 on: April 29, 2023, 07:03:02 PM »
Hi Phil,
It would cost €23 (euro) without insurance  €28 with insurance to send from Ireland to UK

Let me know what you think