Author Topic: My week this week, my workshop videos!  (Read 114421 times)

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #125 on: July 03, 2021, 05:20:05 AM »
The true test is to find a 1/2" bolt on the machine. If it's 12 tpi it's Whitworth and if it's 13 then it's UNC
That is my mission for Tuesday Andrew, Monday I will be in York moving my eldest from the grossly overpriced Uni "halls" into an only mildly overpriced student residence off campus. She thought it was much cheaper untill I told her that you could rent a whole 2 bed house for the same price per week!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #126 on: July 03, 2021, 05:21:32 AM »
I bought my Fordson complete with obligatory deeply split tyres and was about to put my hand in my pocket for new ones. A farmer friend councilled against it saying if I'm not using it on the road the tyres will last for years in that state. He was right - I think I kept it about five years on the same split tyres.

 I did pick up a spare wheel / tyre when one flitted by and kept it in the farm yard in case I needed to get off the field if I had a flat - come to think of it it's still there as it will fit my Ford 4000 and 4600 as they are the same stud pattern.
Andrew Mawson
East Sussex

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #127 on: July 03, 2021, 12:36:59 PM »
Very interesting Andrew, I will remember that!!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #128 on: July 03, 2021, 12:38:00 PM »
 I get the water pump fitted to the Fordson, have one of my tidy ups, and then have a look at the topper and see what we will need to join the two together, I have the driveshaft, but quite a lot of the heavy metalwork on the topper is bent, and one of the flail cutters is stiff, so in we go! I need a new top link, and immediately immersing myself in the mysterious world of tractor subculture, I learn that I may need a cat 1 top link.......maybe, and also some bigger pins for the bottom link connections, and some bottom link arm balls, as mine are worn out (Fnar Fnar) I get the driveshaft sliding in and out (Fnar fnar  again) after a generous application of lube (what else?) but the safety cover for the driveshaft is missing, and as they are all plastic, and £70! I may have a look at making one. It has obviously been used without one, but it obviously needs one to keep it safe, I will see what I can come up with, we may have some plastic turning to do!
Phil, in the East Yorkshire rain forest, on a jungle taming course!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #129 on: July 04, 2021, 07:17:53 AM »
You may well find that you can get a new PTO shaft complete with plastic guard for the same price as they want for just the guard! Try to get one with a button release rather than the collar type, unless you enjoy coronaries. BTW those plastic guards are a rel bloody nuisance, after a few years use the end cones are impossible to slide for access to grease nipples ( which doesn't trouble stock farmers, who don't understand the concept of greasing :D)  & it's a sore temptation to cut the *** off & bin it, however a few strategic holes can allow access to the requisite nipples (oohh err, Matron!).

You can get a toplink from Ebay or Malpas tractors - around £25-30 suitable for a topper. You can also get the Cat 1 (or Cat2 - best measure to check before ordering) pins quite cheaply from these sources - it's hardly worth making them for the price you can buy them. Get some lynch pins at the same time, about 1000 should last you the year...

The rear wheel frame needs to be firmly fixed to the back of the topper, yet be height adjustable, whereas the front A frame needs to be able to allow the whole topper to "hinge" upwards of necessary.

Think of going down a dip: when the tractor is going up the far side, the topper is still going down the entry side, so the topper has to be able to swivel about a horizontal axis to achieve this. The three point linkage toplink is intended to prevent this, so some degree of articulation is necessary to prevent something breaking. I suspect that is why the bar was bent: to allow it to bend further if required!

They usually have a sort of swinging yoke for the toplink to attach to allow this, but it seems to be missing on yours. So... don't bother with the bar arrangement, just run a length of chain or suitable strap from the top of the A frame just below the toplink pin to the rear of the topper. This will allow you to lift the topper with the three point, but allow the rear wheel to push the rear of the topper up as terrain dictates.

There is usually a shearbolt on the PTO to topper gearbox connection which breaks if (when!) you hit something the blades don't like. Sometimes they are fitted with an adjustable slipping clutch, but I think yours has a plain shaft as input to the topper gearbox. Best carry a few spare shearbolts until you get used to setting the height & reading the terrain too.

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #130 on: July 10, 2021, 10:31:02 AM »
Thanks pycoed, You are right on all counts! except the reason the bar was bent is that they used the bar to pick the topper up with a JCB and chain! The strap going to the rear has several chain links at the end in order for the back of the topper to lift to allow for terrain fluctuations, but it may get a bit more chain and a bit less strap if we encounter difficulties, the field is not flat!! I understand about the guards, and you can but a new shaft for slightly more than a replacement guard, which is crazy, but they are obviously profiting from the unwary! I have a PTO shaft, and many lengths of plastic pipe, I can knock something up to suit. TBH I wouldn't have bothered, because it has obviously been used without one, but the sticker showing the guy wrapped round the driveshaft made me feel a bit queasy!!! Maybe I can improve on it a bit, who knows, watch this space! My local AG shop, Scrutons of Foxholes beat the internet prices hands down, and it's all sparex, so it should be good, but I will have to make some of the parts because they didn't have stock for a 1955 Fordson! gone are the men in greasy overalls and the tea mugs on the counter, to be replaced by bright new stores and everything in little plastic boxes, and I did buy lynch pins! Cat 2 sparex top link £20 +vat, what can you say! They tried to palm me off with 1/2" by grade 8 bolts for the shear bolts, but when I explained that I would rather shear a bolt than smash the gearbox they looked at me sadly, and realised I was the owner and the user of the machine, and would not be walking in their door to order a new gearbox! I can get the (grade1 or 2) shear bolts off the net. There will be plenty in the field that the blades dont like but I think with a bit of care we will cope!, thanks for posting! I still have a lot to learn about tractering, so all help is much appreciated!
East Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #131 on: July 10, 2021, 10:45:58 AM »
 The Fordson Major E1A refurb continues, with some Time spent hammering the Big Bee topper straight again! Another short week I am afraid. Had two lost days for trips to York, so much for getting a full week in!, lots of dirty work done, and the panels go off for blasting, water pump pulley arrives, and thank goodness it fits! I only just seem to have started this project, and it is really coming together. I shall be painting and power washing next week!  It all came together on Friday when I took all the parts for Blasting and got a top link and pins for the tractor from my local Agri merchants,  Scrutons of Foxholes!! Cheaper than the internet!
Phil, in damp and humid East Yorkshire

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #132 on: July 10, 2021, 06:04:11 PM »
Cheers Phil,
Re the shear bolts FWIW before I got the same flail as described in Andrew's saga I had a heavy duty Rhino 5ft topper behind a 45hp Universal 445DT. Most of my patch is ferocious rush pasture  & here & there a scrub willow stump that I fondly imagined I had cut to ground level. Breaking shear bolts was almost an hourly pastime on the first cut of the season, until I reduced the stumps, got to know where soft patches meant you had to lift the topper a bit, & generally learned to go easy in the really tough bits. I always used standard 12mm Screwfix bolts (i.e shanked not machine screws) & must have broken dozens down the years. Never damaged the topper or more importantly the PTO an the 12 + years I had the outfit. If you are concerned (Major is 20 odd years older than my old 445DT after all), then just machine a groove in a few to tey out perhaps?. Anyway, make sure your plastic guard allows access to the shearbolt & remember carry a few spares plus the spanners & a hammer & punch to remove the broken shearbolts if necessary, because it's guaranteed the bolt will go when you are 3/4mile from tools/car etc...
I must admit the Zetor (70hp) plus flail is a lot more relaxed though.

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #133 on: July 17, 2021, 12:37:12 PM »
A Zetor eh! I did a top end rebuild on a Zetor 8011 in the distant past, it had sheared the rocker cross shaft! Rugged and reliable, and very popular in East Yorkshire. Local farmer had a 4wd one which we used one terrible winters night to pull a John Deere 2wd through 21ft snow drifts! I was an awful night, and we ended up having to dig the zetor out, as we had left it while we went for tea and a warm up, and when we got back it had fallen through the frozen ground into about 3 feet of soft snow, there was a horizontal blizzard blowing, and every time I think about it, it gives me shivers, it was cold enough to freeze to death out there, and the Zetor saved us!
          Shear bolts, to shear or not to shear, for myself I would rather shear a bolt than wreck the machine, but all the real farmers I know just stick any old bolt in and get the job done! the ground is fairly uneven, but brambles are the worst vegetation we have to clear, if there are any soft spots, I am sure we will find them! Thanks for the advice, heeded for sure!
Phil, East Yorkshire.
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #134 on: July 17, 2021, 12:39:25 PM »
This weeks highlights are sidetracks and interuptions!, and tales of the work I intended to do, but others had other ideas! My antique dealer mate turned up with four boxes of what is known as (in the trade) "Donkey" too good to throw away, but difficult to sell into anything but the small item collectors market, which functions very much on personal taste rather than any known make or value of item! On the basis of, "if you dont like it, burn it" I accepted it for cleaning and listing, but I am not sure I would do it again, because of the time it takes! I got the bushes that I need for the topper made and fitted, and some other little jobs like straightening drawbar pins done, but the sandblasting isn't ready yet, so I may end up putting the radiator back on the tractor on monday, and moving it outside for a steam clean, and to fit the girder trolley, so I can lift the topper, so that I can get it all put togther! Onward!
Phil in blisteringly hot East Yorkshire, 27 deg today!!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #135 on: July 24, 2021, 11:13:10 AM »
The workshop advances a tech level when we fit the new girdar trolley and get the chain hoist up, Rocker cover and other bits get painted, and I finally get onto the broken bolt in the front axle carrier casting, the results aren't good!! I hope persistence pays off!! I am posting this as parts 3 and 4 because I have shot over an hours worth of footage This week!
Phil Still hot in East Yorkshire.
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #136 on: August 01, 2021, 10:31:05 AM »
Parts 5&6
I work on the air filter and pre cleaner, fix the dodgy handbrake, which has been a pain since I bought this tractor , and work towards the three point linkage removal, remove the tow hitch and link arms, and start to free them all off using the dreaded Blowlamp of death, alternately known as the Flamefast Brazing hearth! In part 6 (out now!) We continue with the air cleaner get the hydralic/transmission drained and the filter out, what a mess!!

 Phil, Some rain, some shine, in the East York Shire!

« Last Edit: August 07, 2021, 01:56:13 PM by hermetic »
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #137 on: August 07, 2021, 01:56:46 PM »
Parts 7&8
Fordson Major rebuild, the hydraulics and rear transmission case. I removed the top cover, and realised there was 3" depth of black sludge in the bottom of the transmission case, and this had remained after 30 litres of "oil" was drained off! I set on cleaning it with kerosene,  and by the end of day one I was beginning to see the castings, and the unmarked gears etc. Thankfully there seems to be no grit or metal in the sludge, as the fordson does have a good filter, and two magnetic plugs before the pump! We have a wander in the field, and get the 2cv tractor up there.....eventually!

 Phil,  thunderstorms and a wet start to the Harvest, in the East York Shire!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2021, 02:22:23 PM by hermetic »
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #138 on: August 14, 2021, 10:39:30 AM »
Work on the Fordson Major E1A continues. I bite the bullet and remove the PTO gearbox, and it is a good thing, because both it and the gearbox were full of black sludge, everything gets a good powerwashing out and we use the weldanuton technique to get a sheared bolt out!  I put on overalls, and elbow length gloves!, it was hot, but it kept me more or less clean! Part 10 out now on my youtube page!
Phil, Some rain, some shine, in the East York Shire!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #139 on: August 21, 2021, 01:15:27 PM »
Fordson Major rebuild parts 11 and 12.
Rebuilding the hydraulic pump for the Fordson Major E1A. Not hard, but cleanliness and an O ring kit are essential, and patience, quite a bit of patience! Hydralic pump and most ancilliaries get refitted, and I add a hot gunk parts washer to my wish list! Part 12 available now at  my youtube page Phil whitley, my week this week.
August is the new September in the East York Shire!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #140 on: August 28, 2021, 11:15:29 AM »
Fordson Major Rebuild part 13, we clean out the top cover, refit the piston, cylinder and valve block, and refit it to the tractor, along with the PTO gearbox and the PTO shaft, and quite suddenly, it is a who;e tractor again.....more or less!!  Part 14, out now at Youtube, philwhitley, my week this week!
Phil, Dull all week, but a warm and sunny Saturday in East Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #141 on: September 04, 2021, 01:42:22 PM »
Fordson Major Steering box strip and rebuild.  Parts 15&16. 1955 E1A Fordson Diesel Major. In Part 16, out now, I finsh the steering box and refit it to the tractor, and get some paint on! Part 16 out now at Philwhitley,my week this week, at youtube!
Phil, in definitely autumnal East Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #142 on: September 11, 2021, 01:27:01 PM »
Fordson E1A major rebuild Part 17 strip and rebuild of the front steering and kingpins (steering swivels) It is not pretty, but all is repairable! luckily the parts I do need are all available, and not expensive, which is amazing for a 1955 tractor!! Part 18, out now at you tube, phil whitley or google "my week this week"
Phil, In humid and hot East Yorkshire!!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #143 on: September 12, 2021, 04:18:36 AM »
Phil, what's wrong with a standard adjustable piloted reamer? I have one, I used to use it for reaming BSA A65 crank bushes. Unfortunately, despite having the sleeve and collar, the pilot itself is not in the box. It may just be around at my friend's house where my tools lived for a few years.

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #144 on: September 12, 2021, 03:29:57 PM »
Nothing wrong with them at all, if you have got one, just look up the price of a 1.5" piloted adjustable reamer, and you will see what I mean!!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #145 on: September 18, 2021, 10:03:42 AM »
Fordson E1A major, Only one video this week chaps, because we did a "poo" run on Moday afternoon, and the workshop power was off on Wednesday! I get the wheels finished in two coats of primer each, and then onto the kingpins/steering swivels. I put the extra grease slot on the RHS and then start the LHS, but find when I get the nuts off the bolts, the bolts are seized in the axle, It all makes life interesting, and I get it all in bits by Friday, and show the process of fitting the kingpins to the new bushes if you don't have the factory reamer available! (Video scheduled for release at 4pm GMT)
Phil, Warm and wet in East Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #146 on: September 25, 2021, 11:09:23 AM »
Fordson Major rebuild, finishing off the steering swivels/king pins, and the track rod and drag link, and Richard turns up with my kitchen unit so I spend a couple of days fitting kitchens and plumbing! YUK. but I plough on and get it more or less finished. It will really make a difference to be able to wash the cups and fill the kettle in the same room where I make tea!
It's still warm and sunny in East Yorkshire!
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #147 on: October 02, 2021, 10:49:02 AM »
Fordson E1A major, rebuilding the drag link, refitting the wheel;s, rebuilding the horn, and paint on Friday so it has the weekend fror drying. I also get the tea room sink plumbed in, and the worktop fixed down!
Phil, in wet and windy East Yorkshire.
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #148 on: October 09, 2021, 10:57:02 AM »
Fordson E1A major Rebuild.  So we get more paint on, in order to fit the seat, and the radiator, and then find that despite all my efforts, new Dynamo refuses to output a single volt, even though I have polarised it and it is brand new!, then I go to change the fuel filter, and find that there isnt an element in it! Things can only get better....I hope. Still it did start and run perfectly, so cleaning the bowl out and putting a filter in it can only make it better!
Phil, in a Glorious Indian Summer in East Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #149 on: October 16, 2021, 11:14:29 AM »
Fordson E1A major, Rebuild,  I get the tractor running and wash it down outside, then back in the workshop, back wheels and mudguards off, and start on the final frontier, the respray!
Phil, In warm and Atumnal East Yorkshire
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