Author Topic: My week this week, my workshop videos!  (Read 114408 times)

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2020, 02:56:57 PM »
Hi Ian, The only evidence we see of ash dieback is the councils "arboreal service" going around the countryside hacking limbs off ash trees whenever they overhang the road. We seem to have no ash dieback on out property, but all our ash is very old, and it seems to affect younger trees the worst. Some of our ash has had to be cut down where it grows near to some overhead cables, and it grows back vigourously! Ash trees do drop limbs, but that has nothing to do with disease. We have sawn up several very large shed limbs, but afaik, we have no blackened leaves, or lesions around branch junctions. Spring will tell! Glad you are back, I may have to isolate too! Stay healthy. Thanks for watching and for the comments.
Far East of Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2020, 03:50:36 PM »
And Now, due to Keiths wife having a seroius heart condition (although you wouldn't think it when you see her work) and my wife having Asthma, we are self isolating from each other, so the fencing and completion of the field work will be at a later date! Normal workshop style stuff will contine as long as we are well, I can isolate myself there!
Spring like East Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2020, 12:10:47 PM »
Hi people,
During last weeks work on the fallen trees, I discovered that my chainsaw, an antique Stihl 08S, would not start, here is the tale of me fixing it, and then fixing it again! Many thanks to "The Repair Specialist" whose youtube vids put right my mistake! Enjoy, subscribe, and above all, stay healthy!
unseasonably cold East Yorkshire! ( it was warm and sunny this morning)

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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2020, 09:06:20 AM »
Hi all,
Not done much due to the virus lockdown, I bet all the survivalists in the USA are rolling around their bunker floors, surrounded by food, laughing their heads off! I did get a day and a half in the workshop, made a cold frame for my daughters roof garden, she was pleased with the solid practical construction, but thought the aesthetics left a lot to be desired! Teenagers! There's no pleasing them! Like, comment, subscribe, enjoy! We live in "interesting" times.
East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2020, 05:18:34 PM »
Week 2 of lockdown comes to an end, already it feels longer! My capacitance meter shows me what a plonker I am, we discuss masks, some say I should always wear one, not my wife you understand, she wears glasses!, but I have noticed she takes them off when I enter the room........  And the drive to work " ower't waaard tops tha knaws" the other way with wind turbines What thrills, I almost woke up! semd me a like, subscribe, comment,enjoy, stay home, stay safe, and WASH YER HANDS!!
East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2020, 02:21:45 PM »
Week 3 of lockdown, I have not been to the workshop at all, may go next week, see how it goes. This is a little look round our back garden showing my rustic brickwork and a garden tour narrated by my eldest daughter,Izzy, including a brief glimpse of Catherine, my wife, and Emily, my youngest, brief because they refused to be filmed!. Warning, contains  gratuitous pressure washer action!
East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2020, 02:47:39 PM »
End of week 4 of lockdown, I havent been to the workshop, but needed to go today, so I did some little jobs and shot this while I was there Hope you enjoy it! Like, comment, subscribe, but above all stay well, stay indoors, because the more we do it, the sooner it will be over!
Warm and sunny East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2020, 03:01:30 PM »
Week 5 draws to a close, and I have not been to the workshop, so here is a tale of the problems I am having finding the fault on the TIG, problems caused in part by the inadequate "schematic", a poor excuse for a wiring diagram
Man who says it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it!

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2020, 12:03:19 PM »
Week 6 of lockdown, and I am going back to work next week! Some really nice junk comes my way, and I begin to understand the cryptic Schematic! Excuse the HH camera work Like, enjoy, subscribe, stay safe people!

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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2020, 02:09:16 PM »
Not much to tell chaps, But the TIG is fixed, I will get some vid of it working next week. still coughing, but otherwide fine, and I am going back to work on Monday because work is piling up and I am sick of watching youtube videos and playing halflife online! Bastards of Halflife rocks!!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2020, 01:17:52 PM »
Back to work, only half days for the present, but two interesting repairs, and more progress on a longer term project, the Socome  Mig welder, enjoy, subscribe, like comment, staying in watching my videos and subscribing help to prevent virus transmission!!
Stay safe people!
Phil, East Yorkshire
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2020, 05:25:30 AM »
Lens cap?  :D

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2020, 03:05:07 PM »
 :wack: I walked into that one didn't I,
Man who says it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it!

Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2020, 03:53:46 PM »
This week I advance several tech levels, The mig welder works, the wheelhorse gets started again, and I finally get my tap plumbed in by the front door, and fix a pressure washer! Enjoy! I did!! like, subscribe and make nice positive comments...........or not
Sunny and hot in East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2020, 08:37:49 AM »
This week I rebuild the wire feed tensioner on the Socome mig welder,  and fit the Eurotorch conversion kit I got from Techarc.  Unfortunately the bearings which I need for it did not come till late Friday, so I will be fitting them and testing the welder next week. It worked out very well! please subscribe, like, comment and enjoy!
Phil. Very hot in East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2020, 05:25:54 PM »
This week I finish the wire feed, test the welder, remove, repair and refit the lid, discover a problem on the Colchester, and we are nearly ready for paint! I bought a MT3 test bar from RDG, which came Friday, no casters yet, but I hope they will come over the weekend, Like, comment, and please subscribe, but above all, enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!
Phil, Steamy and damp East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2020, 04:28:23 PM »
This week I get the welder on its roof, remove several hundredweight of metal and three huge cast wheels, and fit some new swivel castors, and a new bottle shelf, several late starts this week, but by Friday, it was back on its new wheels! Enjoy, like subscribe, comment, but above all wear a mask and stay safe!
East Yorkshire in the Monsoon!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #42 on: June 19, 2020, 04:30:37 PM »
Hi All,
This week Workshop becomes paintshop as I spray the welder and the Jones and Shipman bench centres, and I get them both finished, and check out the RDG lathe test bar Enjoy. like and subscribe! it has been a good week, on Wednesday I thought it was Tuesday, and I spent most of Thursday dozing in the Car park at HRI while Cath had a chest Xray and tests before getting the all clear! Life goes on!
Phil,  Dripping East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2020, 06:16:01 AM »
Hi all,
This week I get the test bar into the colchester lathe to check the headstock alignment, and also check the Covmac lathe. Some finishing off on the Socome welder, and then onto the Toro wheelhors tractor to continue the new transmission set up, , Friday afternoon, went to help Keith do a tip run and didn't get home till 8-00, hence this video being uploaded on Saturday! I'll explain the disaster next week!
Phil, Much Scorching on the wolds, East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2020, 06:08:55 PM »
More work on the Colchester, and vast improvements made to the fit of the bush and test bar into the spindle nose, and this week I start to get to grips with the 2CV engined Toro Wheelhorse, and then PLUNDER! HA HARR!Got a tip off about some gear that was available, and got it fer next to nowt! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to my channel, and I thank you all for watching my antics!
Phil,    Mutch Dripping on the Wolds'
East Yorkshire.
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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2020, 11:54:15 AM »
More work on the Wheelhorse, a slight setback with a wobbly shaft, but nothing a man with two lathes and no idea can't fix!  And then!! disaster, I did a covid 19 test on Monday, and got a text Wednesday Morning to say That Catherine was negative, and mine was positive! Like it was telling me something I didnt already know, although given that my life is one of self isolation in the workshop so what?, well, now I can't go for seven days, by which time the government deems me to be recovered, or at least, not infectious, but the rest of the household has to lock down for 14 days! We live in interesting times!
East Yorkshire Monsoon season has begun!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2020, 09:51:29 AM »
Monday was the last day of my 7 day lockdown after my positive covid test, so I was back in the shop Tuesday, suffering from day confusion, a known sympton of disturbed routine! 4 days on the tractor, and a good amount of progress. I always think that it its best to tackle the hardest part of any project first, and this week the starter was started, a puzzling problem was overcome, and the starter was finished.
Phil,  Mutch Swettin on the Wolds
East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #47 on: July 25, 2020, 08:48:13 AM »
Lots of disturbances this week, and call outs to other jobs, I must think on and video some of them! Toro tractor moves forward apace....til Friday, when I discover an accumulation of minor disasters, but we shall overcome! Mustn't say too much as shearing the bolt off was entirely my fault, I used heat on the second one and it came free without incident, I was trying to take a short cut because I couldnt get the screws out which hold the rubber shrouds round the engine and therefore couldn't use heat or they would melt... short cuts often lead to the place I now find myself in!! Onward, and hopefully upward! Despite all these setbacks, I am still not considering a career in Accountancy!
Phil,   Sunshine and showers, very very heavy showers!
East Yorkshire
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #48 on: August 01, 2020, 09:59:52 AM »
Sometimes, in life, you have to make something a whole lot worse in order to make it better, this might be one of those times! I have decided that if it is worth doing at all, my integrity demands that it is done properly, or as a mate of mine would say to almost any problem, "just throw money at it"! I have now reached the bottom of the pit of despair, and the 2CV engine, and myself are well on the way to recovery. It is a good thing that I got a replacement oil delivery pipe, because taking the old one off on Friday, I noticed it was pitted and leaking. I can't realy complain much, as it has been stood about twenty years waiting for me to get a round Tuit! Like, subscribe, comment, but above all LAUGH, as someone elses expense!
Phil,  Hot and humid in the jungles of Deepest East Yorkshire!
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Offline hermetic

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Re: My week this week, my workshop videos!
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2020, 02:43:12 PM »
This week I fit some lights over the bench and the lathes, and also do an instructional  on fitting  a thread replacement helicoil thread kit. most of the 2CV parts have arrived now, but pushrod tubes are out of stock till next wednesday, but I have all I need to rebuild one side! The extra light will improve the quality of the videos, now all I need to improve is the content!
Phil, Great Swelterin on the wolds
East Yorkshire.
Man who says it cannot be done should not disturb man doing it!