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My week this week, my workshop videos!

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tom osselton:
Over here I had the shingles shot and the follow up a few weeks later I would think your wife should ask why.


--- Quote from: awemawson on April 04, 2024, 11:24:22 AM ---Glad you are clear of the dreaded Covid Phil. I went today for my Shingles jab - had Shingles end of last June and still have some annoying symptoms. Needs a booster in a few weeks which is odd as my wife had the jab a few months back and no follow up required.

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I had my Shingles jab when I reached 70 (now 72). I've had no follow-up booster. I wonder if that's because you've had it recently?
My wife is 68 but she can't have hers until she's 70. If she was 65 she could have one now (but not 66,67,68 or 69)! I believe they're going to roll it out to those aged 60 next (but not 61,62,63 or 64). Why this is I can't begin to imagine.
I had Shingles all over my back when I was 11 and can remember the pain.
Hope you get rid of the symptoms soon.

Having said all this, still feeling under the weather,in fact I think this weather has a lot to do with it! I definitiely feel the need for some sunshine. Have been told about the shingles jab, but declined, and also (possibly unwisely) declined a covid booster! I did get covid for the first time a few weeks after the second jab, but was nowhere near as ill as I was after the first covid jab! That put me in bed for a week! Roll on sunshine!

A short week, as will be next week, but no less interesting I hope! I attempt a fix on a linear acutator in a rise and fall column for a piece of opticians equipment, and then on to the workshop heating. I find all the plumbing bits I need and build the heat exchanger for the ducted air heating in the workshop!
Phil, in STILL cold and wet East Yorkshire

Hi Folks,

A very short week of one day! due to busy commitments on all other fronts, but next week should be a full one! I finalise the design for the heat exchanger and get it about 3/4 finished. Amazing how these back of the head designs suddenly come together and start to make sense!
Phil, Still wet and cold in East Yorkshire


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