Home Base > Introductions

hi this is me

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lol i got the footings done just need some spare coin to build it now lol
a wife and 2 teenage daughters dont make life easy


--- Quote from: framey on June 07, 2009, 05:34:25 PM ---a wife and 2 teenage daughters dont make life easy

--- End quote ---

I can see how that might be a slight drain on the finances but ............. well worth it I'm sure  :beer:  .............. anyway, welcome aboard and there's no rush, just pull up a chair and make yourself at home.



--- Quote from: framey on June 07, 2009, 05:34:25 PM ---lol i got the footings done

--- End quote ---

What a co-incidence, that's where I started too...... :)

It's a good start though.... :thumbup:

Divided he ad:
Hi Mark  :wave:

As said (kind of) welcome to the collective  :borg:

You will find that we're not a bad bunch of guys, we generally say it as we see it and will mostly try to help out where it's needed..... Do try and search for it first though, basic knowledge can be found all over the interweb!  :smart:

Now.... On to this shop space of yours.....  :jaw:

Looks a little like mine used to! (see " Our shop" and look through) Ahh who am I kiddin? Mines still like that, just a little more organised!

I like the title of the picture :lol: 

Simple things to remember about this forum.....

Have fun, make jokes as you see fit (keep 'em clean unless in PM's), lots of pic's and generally...... Have fun  :ddb:  I think that covers most of it!?

Oh yes..... almost forgot to mention.....  :mmr:    :thumbup:



Welcome to the collective.  :borg:

I see you've got a warm welcome from your British mates. Now for one from a coloinal.  :lol:

I'm sure as you looked around you've found that we a a bunch of merry folks here. Enjoy yourself and ask away.
And we do need pictures of project you build.



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