The Shop > Wood & Stuff
How do you box your trasures?
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--- Quote from: chipenter on September 20, 2019, 04:23:22 PM ---The easiest to do is a sliding lid , I make my boxes with half lap joints doubles the glue area , and a half lap for the lid into a groove cut the grove off from one side , and the sides should line up .

--- End quote ---

Thank you, that is a good to remember.

I'm including three pictures of not that gerat box and three pictures of a good box.

First one is chinese cheap plywood, the box was in that state when new and I got it.....Whole inerior needs a rework.

Second one is Polish made and it is cheap but allready usefull.

Last one is pretty good really, good hardware, good plywood and interior is solid pine.

And rest of you: Stop barfing - it is just wood, splinters will not kill you.

Regarding the hinges and catches, have you tried a musical instrument repair shop?  The hinges and catches look similar to what is used for some instrument cases, so they might be able to help you.  I googled "instrument case repair parts"
and got a bunch of hits.  The cases for the smaller instruments, flutes and piccolos - maybe clarinets, would probably have the hinges and latches that you're looking for.


look for baltic birch  plywood, much better quality and cuts well with less splintering. Lots of nice even thin layers is a good sign.
 I bought a bulk pack of anti rust paper and put a layer inside the lids of mine. Don’t use oak anywhere near tools  as the tannin in it attacks the metal.
Isaac lord  ( ) is a good source of fittings usually or , as was suggested , a music box maker would have the catches etc you want.
I’ve made a jig to cut finger joints for the corner joints but lapped joints work too and are far easier to make ! I find high density foam great for cushioning the tools but as it won’t absorb moisture I add the anti rust paper to be safe.

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