The Shop > CNC

CNC controller

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+1 for Linuxcnc. But beware, Some distributions of Linux are now so smooth, you may never want to use Windows again!

Whilst you can use a parallel port with Linuxcnc, for a router I assume you will have a gantry machine so  I would recommend you use a Mesa 7i96 ethernet board which has  5 stepgens, spindle control, 11 inputs and 11 outputs with integrated 2 amp relays builtin. For USD $119,its a bargain!

For a gantry, one of the nice things about Linuxcnc is that it squares the gantry when homing.

I am trying to build a reference build using this hardware but people keep buying the gear I have or ask me to set Linuxcnc up on a small USFF PC for them.

In the UK, your closest Mesa distributor is at

I've got one 7i96 available here in Australia.


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