Author Topic: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice  (Read 13406 times)

Offline Simon0362

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Hi All,
Rather than adding yet more to the mega DDCSV1.1 thread I thought I would start a new, focused thread on this specific topic.

I converted a BF20 manual mill firstly with the original lead screws, later with ballscrews and all driven by an ever increasingly powerful set of steppers and power supplies. Currently I have a 48V DC supply which seems to be suitably powerful although I bought a 72VDC unit awaiting my courage to fit it...
Originally the control was through Win 2k then Win XP based PCs running Mach3 through two parallel ports.
THEN....I bought a DDCSV1.1 because I was sick of replacing the parallel boards and some of the other issues with Mach.

Works really well and I am really pleased with it but there is one area that is rather a closed book to me - and judging from the lack of info on the web I am not the only one...

Tool Changing and Probing
My toolchanges are manual and are operated generally on a ER11 chuck in my home built high speed spindle. I have introduced 3D printed collars to the tools and made some form of tool table  - although that seems to be a black art in itself...

Most of the time (!) the tool change is made and the new tool offset logged by the unit, but not always...and I am conscious that any ER11 chuck will add an error so I would like to be able to use the tool probe facility on the unit.

The manual might as well be in the original chinese for all the use it is on this subject - there are apparently two different modes to probing but this is not even mentioned.
There is a YouTube video and a written explanation by someone on mycncuk but I fail to understand the logic of his operations and it seems to be a controversial method anyway.

I want:
  • to measure several different tools and their offsets defined by their collars
  • to do a manual tool change followed by a probe to finalise the offset

I am happy to substitute different code as a subroutine in place of a standard M6 command. do you do this task - ideally both the logic as well as any examples or code snips....

Thanks in advance,

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2018, 11:23:15 AM »
Welcome to the CNC world Simon and the DDCSV world in particular.

Others are more qualified to answer you but afaik Macros or Subroutines are not implemented (M98 and M99)


Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline dale brisson

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2018, 12:13:12 PM »
i too just posted just about the same thing.
i did kinda find a way but still work in progress i set as
mode2  fixed position  .
i set 0 random  on the table then hit probe the big issue is that the z will go down first to the probe height then y and x will fallow  my 000xyz is at the back of the table and i wanted the probe at one corner at front of table.. so if there's (example)aluminum at g54 g55 where ever on the table where i want my start point to be. the z will crash then go the the fixed spot and slowly move.( i think i said this right bare with me here) still new to the game

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2018, 05:30:20 AM »
I have just ordered a cheap tool position sensor.

So still the question to the group is:

Has any one got the tool probe/height setting functionality of the DDCSV to actually work??

@Dale: Am a bit confused as to what you mean in the above post

 i set as mode2  fixed position.  What is Mode 2?

i set 0 random  on the table then hit probe  What does this mean?

One day all will work as hoped for!!
Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2018, 10:31:08 AM »
All is getting cleasrer (I wish)

Parameter #68 Has 3 value 0 Disabled,   1: Mode 1,    2: Mode 2. Anyone have a definition of what these mean?

Parameter #69 Thickness: Ok I undrestand this one

Parameter #70 Signl Level: Agin OK

Parameter #71 Initial Tool Position: If set to 1 machine heads of to Machine Home (as set in MACH workspace) If set to 0 nothing happens.

Params #72, 73, 74 Define offsets from the Machine Home if #71 == 1

Parameter #75 sets the retract distance after probing. Understood but as probing doesn't work ...

Todays experiment:

Fit a simple touch plate and wire it in.

Confirm that if #68 == 0 nothing happens.

Set #68 to 1 and 2 and see what happens!

In either mode 1 or 2 state, On starting the probe cycles, it descends slowly, touches the touch plate, pauses and then retracts in the Z+ direction and then it never stops!!
Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline Cosimo.83

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2018, 03:50:47 PM »
Ciao...  Ho dato una sbirciata alla macro del probe. credo ci sia un piccolo bug nella fase di risalita dove andrebbe inserita la variabile a disposizione nei parametri di settaggio che invece č G91 G0 Z1000 .Invece dovrebbe essere G91 G0 Z#575....

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2018, 05:20:44 AM »
Which translates to:

Hi ... I gave a sneak peek at the probe macro. I think there is a small bug in the ascent phase where you should enter the variable available in the settings parameters that instead is G91 G0 Z1000. Instead it should be G91 G0 Z # 575 ....

Thanks Cosimo

Does this means that we can access the internal parameter values in G-Code?

If so where is the list of params? Where did you get the number #575 from?
Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline Cosimo.83

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2018, 01:39:45 PM »
Le macro sono all' interno di mnt/nand1 copy il file su usb e col pc la modifichi e la ricarichi su controller . Il parametri 575 č il parametro 75 del settaggio con il 5 prima...... Credo che il ddcsv č la copia esatta del fanuc om ..... Lo scoprirņ presto se il resto dei parametri č uguale.

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2018, 03:12:29 PM »
Thanks Cosimo!

The macros are inside mnt / nand1 copy the file on usb and with the pc modify it and reload it on the controller. Parameter 575 is the parameter 75 of the setting with the 5 before ...... I think the ddcsv is the exact copy of the fanuc om ..... I'll find out soon if the rest of the parameters is the same."
Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2018, 07:48:10 AM »
So I have been looking at as installed

Attached is the original version (with Chinese comments)

Unbelievably I managed to translate the Chinese!!

Attatched is the English version

No wonder the spindle rise to infinity and beyond: "G91 G01 Z1000 F5"

Any one care to commenty on this file??
Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2018, 05:21:03 PM »
As it was such fun translating the Chinese I decided to have a go at

If this is actually used by the controller (as I'm sure the is used) then it shows that the controller can handle very sofisticated g-code and a simple sert of language constructions/data variables/trig functions/macro calls etc.

Attatched is the translation with a bit of re-formatting
Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline WeldingRod

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2018, 08:35:07 PM »
There are certainly hints of interesting things in there but, gosh, is it hard to read!

Offline Will_D

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2018, 04:19:13 AM »
Open it in wordpad
Engineer and Chemist to the

Offline Cosimo.83

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2018, 12:39:52 PM »
Cari amici.... Sono veramente triste. Dopo vari tentativo non sono riuscito a far funzionare il probe in corso di programma. Volevo fare una macro per la tastatura  della torcia del plasma. Qualcuno mi aiuta a trovare i #0000 parametri di sistema . Un bel dilemma.....

Offline tecnao

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Re: Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2019, 05:17:03 PM »
OK, very old topic, but I can't find anywhere else a better place dealing with this particular problem. Does anyone who has a working probe and dedicated button for manual tool change during milling (if it breaks) and restore can post a video with the full procedure and zoom on the parameters in the DDCSV controller? Thanks in advance.