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Torque wrench for ER nuts DIY?
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Yes, there are some expensive ones and they are available.

Yesterday walked into a bar shop and saw economical 3/8" torgue wrench. Pretty ideal size for ER25 nuts. How hard it can be to mount ER wrench to it?

Took it home and started measuring stuff - it's not actually that easy to fit it and retain same moment arm than the original setup. it would be really nice to keep the moment arms same and retain scale reading and not to decrease orginal max. setting torrque.

Bit more fiddling and if parts are cut right places and welded together, it would work. A) does this sort material weld well with the stick? I am pretty sure that the rachet mechanism part is scrap iron that contains maganese B) It actually would be nice if the head would me interchangeable, I may need some day a hook spanner or such exotic keys.

The axis of the ER nut obviously has to align with the axis of the Torque Wrench click bit to retain the same range of settings. I'm not sure how you are going to manage that AND have a tool in the ER collet  :scratch:
hack off most of the rachet bell and stick glue remainers of the ER wrnech in place?

I have several torque wrences and I could cut one to pieces to make something more apropriate.

I have been measuring a little, and it would be possible to make the end piece (ER-wrench part) removable with pin/bolt joint, but looks like I'm going to settle welded seam here. Not too much space really if I wnat to keep the moment arms same as original.

the 90 degree figure and and stacked parts were just to show relative positions before I start cutting un-necessar parts off.
Seems to me it will work pretty accurately the way it is shown so long as the torque wrench square is in line with the centre of the ER wrench handle. I welded a socket onto a home made face pin wrench to do up spindle bearings recently on this principle.

Weld a socket square to the ER handle and make sure the home-made crow's foot adapter is 90-degrees to the torque wrench handle. That's how they work, the distance is unimportant all that matters is they are dead square to each other.

Seems to me it will work pretty accurately the way it is. If the torque wrench square was in line with the centre of the ER wrench then it would always work correctly so long as the home-made crow's foot adapter is 90-degrees to the torque wrench handle. That's how they work.

yes. nice video. Wish I had that teacher.

The 90 degree mod works. But on sertain positions you need two hands and vertical millin spindle, where key wants to fall off is hard enough, then you need another key that takes spare hand ans if you have a loose ER-key offset at 90 degree angle, it feels too much complication.

I have been milling estra stuff out, a little more to go. Damn hot, need to wait that I get a little shade on my welding place. Cofee break.
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