The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Fathers Day

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tom osselton:
I like the candied ginger! One thing though I was put on Warferin? a blood thinner and was monitored each week well I bought about 400 grams of candied ginger and consumed it over a couple days my next test was off the charts and had to discontinue the thinner meds for about a week and a half before getting back to normal! Who knew!


sea food and warfarin is a a mild no no as there is evidence of natural blood thinning and for heavens sake DONT GO VEGETARIAN as warfarin works by removing vitamin K from you and this thins your blood.
 The ginger and warfarin interaction is known but you must have consumed quite a lot of actual ginger to have that effect! Basic rule is stable diet and then you titrations the warfarin to get the desired effect. Garlic can also cause you problems in large amounts ( puts off the mother in law and vampires though !)

Glad you’re OK
Citrus fruit, especially grapefruit should be taken with care, too. They contain Bergamotin which deactivates a critical enzyme that the liver produces to break certain classes of drugs down. Blood pressure pills being one that I need to take care with. The effect will be that the dose is effectively much larger and can have detrimental side effects such as very low BP.


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