The Breakroom > The Water Cooler


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SPiN Racing:
Welp.. I now have time for projects! (For now)

Turns out I have seen quite a goodly handful of hardworking good people at the company I workED for get let go, in a "Workforce Reduction". Its kinda spooky, cause they didnt do anything... just did a good job, busted ass and worked hard.

Well.. Went to work Monday, time for a 6 month review, etc, and all of it had already been filled out by me and my boss, and bosses boss. This was the sit down, and pat on the back meeting, after all the paperwork was done.
HR person was there with him. He said, sorry man, this is X from HR. Your position has been eliminated.   :jaw:

Soooo it turns out from what I gather they simply looked at the org chart, at very high upper level management level, and looked at the position titles, and said, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, and bam... a slew of positions were eliminated. Not really arbitrairily.. but, without looking at individual members, or merit or time in the firm, or anything. Just simply, poof. These spots are gone.
All the dead wood firings happened about a year or two ago.

Soooo   :dremel:

Time to get cracking on some projects while I wait for the severence check, and get all my paperwork sorted, and plaster the internet with resumes.

I got a nice package I guess.. and they have no issues with unemployment etc, plus I get to pay a retarded amount for insurance continuance.. sooo I will make the best of things, and take a breath and make a go of things. Its summertime, kids are out of school.. so I will take it as a mini-vacation.


Sorry to hear about your job loose. But they are talking about the effect of the Government motors and Chiselers sale to Fiat. Well the fall out from the 20,000 GM let goes will be about 1 GM to 3/4 auto suppliers jobs and that 1 in every 4 of the smaller suppliers with close up shop.

Wife got a letter from the company she works for they are extending her furlough till the middle of July. A Japanese company that bought a part of Chrysler's years ago. I have to hand it to the Japanese as they chopped the big wheels first after the first round of lay offs. and they are only doing the Chrysler unit and the GM units as they close down their palnts till the fun in New York in finished.

With Hummer sold to the Chinese! does that mean they will be making the vehicles for the US Military? There is just something so wrong with that!

And that movie Blade Runner were it was English and Chinese on all the advertising my be coming true sooner that later.

Hummer sold, but AM General makes the military ones.  They're not going anywhere.

All the chinese get is the H3 and possibly the H2 (built on a 1 ton chassis).

Wow that stinks.

I have been there. I got laid off twice in 08. I only worked maybe 5 months of the year. Almost got laid off again this year but I left the company before the buyout happened.

I feel for you. Get back in the saddle and start applying for work. If you need help with the resume let me know.


What a bummer, its happening a lot in the UK as well.

You've got to look on the positive side, and turn it into an opportunity.

Good luck



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