The Shop > CNC
Accurate low cost method of home/zero Axis setting
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I haven't mapped my screws yet although it looks pretty easy with the Acorn & Centroid software.  The only reason I put the extra effort into an accurate homing system is to ease the tool offsets process.  If I set up the 26 tools referencing them from an accurate & repeatable home position, life is much easier.  The total offset from the home position to each tool's X & Y location being (almost) exactly the same distance each time means more to me than minor variations along the way.  After all, most tools are pretty similar and will be measured at approx. the same spot on the screw.
The absolute accuracy is not the reason here, its the repeatability of getting back to the exact same position  - within a tenth or so :-).   
I am going to fit the disc on the end of the 'plum' type coupler and the pcb will go underneath.

Best regards
Repeatability is extremely desirable.
Cheap optos deliver about 2 microns in repeatability and accuracy.
2 microns - do you do realise that that is 0.08 thousands of an inch? Where did you get that information ? Which device are you referring to ?
spec sheets on most devices indicate transition at around 0.1mm, which is still quite good.

Best regards

Wow, I'll have a bagful of those cheap optos please! :bugeye:
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