The Shop > CNC

cincinnati lathe sugestions

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tom osselton:
 We are having another go at fixing this, when we got it we could move all the axises but when we went to extend the tailstock we got a low oil message followed by a improper shut down  :zap: and it hasn't started up since. It stalls at initiating host and the hydraliics haven't worked since even though the oil was topped up the only contact that gets pulled in is the one for start.
here is a couple pics and a video thats aprox 3 minutes long (much like watching paint dry)  :doh:

I'd run along the back plane of that card cage looking for voltage rails with an Avo to see if the un-illumimated half is perhaps missing a supply

tom osselton:
What’s a Avo? I did pull the cards could it be possibly I put it in the wrong slot?
Ok just looked it up Amp Volt Ohm.

Tom Google AVO. Millions of them made! Amps / Volts / Ohms meter.

Modern versions are electronic but I still prefer the original analogue AVO for most measurements. With analogue you can see changing values as well as measuring static levels.

I thought it was only my old boss who referred to AVO meters!

AVO was a British trademarked name, so people of a certain age still use the name, whereas most people now refer to them as either multimeters, or analogue meter/gauge.


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