The Shop > Metal Stuff
Cast iron Sash window weights
Thanks for the replies, looks like they are worth having, I guess pre cut lengths could be put on the coal fire in the lounge to soften. Don’t know what it is love must have come in with the coal.
Don’t know what might happen to the carbon content?
I have three about 18 inches long that I turned round. Two looked good. The other one has some holes and pits. I have made model piston rings from one of the good ones and they worked well. Some will be good and some will be bad.
White heat? Uhhhh, nope, that's re-melting it. CI melts at 2200F.
For most gray irons, a ferritizing annealing temperature between 700 and 760°C (1300 and 1400°F) is recommended. If you're going by color that's dark red (see below).
You also don't have to keep it in a ramped powered furnace for cool down. just bury the piece in a bucket of wood ashes to cool slowly. In fact you can also do the heating to annealing temps in a wood fire in the brightly glowing embers with a little draft.
Color Temperature [°C] Temperature [°F]
From To From To
Black red 426 593 799 1100
Very dark red 594 704 1100 1299
Dark red 705 814 1300 1497
Cherry red 815 870 1498 1598
Light cherry red 871 981 1599 1798
Orange 982 1092 1799 1998
Yellow 1093 1258 1999 2296
Yellow white 1259 1314 2297 2397
White 1315+ 2397+
just a tip with the weights leve them out to go rusty then machine them up in to bar stock then cote them in oil I have made lots of things out of the ones I have
I once bought a couple of flat irons in order to use the cast iron. They turned out to be a dissapointmant, not only were they chilled and had the handles cast into them, they also had a number of voids in the castings. I'll not bother again.
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