Gallery, Projects and General > How do I??

How can I mill a small slot and reduce tool deflection to keep it square ?

<< < (2/2)

You left out the most important thing: What size endmill are you using to cut the 4mm slot?  If you're using a 4mm endmill it's virtually guaranteed to wander.

The correct way is to use a milling cutter smaller than the width of slot you want. That way you have control of the size of cut and the depth of cut too. You can take as many “spring” cuts as required and machine to actual finned size.


John Rudd:
what about starting out with a small hole at each end then finishing with the endmill of appropriate size..? this works but if the slot is pretty short then it could be a bit difficult..

Basically sorted it by using Carbide endmills and making sure the cut is close to the top of the tool. Seems to work well.

Many Thanks

Best Regards



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