The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

Titivating a Pottery Kiln

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Ouch, I reckon kilowatts are a lot cheaper!  I missed that minor price difference. :bugeye:


--- Quote from: awemawson on December 01, 2018, 08:16:32 AM ---Yes that stuff burns out at a lower temperature, but at £100 per kg as compared to £10 for PLA it's not all saving !

--- End quote ---

When using a plaster based investment, you need to get it nearly that hot to drive out the excess water molecules! The kiln will take it there easily, so it's really a win win situation. I've seen a couple of articles on lost PLA casting, I'm looking forward to seeing your results!

Induction furnace coming out of retirement?

Regards, Matthew

Well Matthew it's certainly a lot more accessible now the kiln it out of the way !

Are we going to see you this Christmas ?

Well, I'm coming over from the 22nd to the first, so we should be able to get over to see you some time then! I'll PM you nearer the time!

Cheers, Matthew

So I've now fitted the proper Commando input socket - underneath so that if necessary the kiln can go flat against a wall.

Petew will be pleased to see that those ceramic stand off insulators have cleaned up nicely  :ddb:

Not sure quite yet where it is going to live long term  :scratch:


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