First of all, look inside the lid that covers the terminals for a wirong diagram! Can you take a better (larger) pic of the motor plate, as that one is too small, and when enlarged, too blurred to make out the ratings. As John says, one would normally expect to find, on a six wire three phase motor, A1 B1 abd C1, and A2 B2 and C2, here we seem to have A2 B2 and C2, and A3 B3 and C3. Odd! It "looks" like A, B and C are the windings, with the ends marked 2&3 instead of the usual 1 & 2. This does indicate (in Brook motors anyway) a 2 speed motor, the connections are as follows, for low speed, connect the lines (incoming three phase) to A3, B3 and C3. for high speed link A3 B3 and C3 together, and put the incoming 3 phase supply to C2 B2 and A2.
A3,B3 and C3 are the Delta points, and A2 B2 and C2 are the centre taps for each winding. If you are using this as a slave motor try it in both speeds and see which gives you the nearest to equall voltages on all three generated phases. The motor is wired in Delta, and cannot easily be changed to star connections because the ends of the coils are not all present at the terminal box, but you want it in delta for 240v operation anyway? More info needed!