I love the older imaginings. Classier and more fun. The city mass flight dream is an old one, if somewhat imperfect, as envisioned by graphic artists, rather than pilots. Apparently cross-wind takeoffs are not a problem in cities, and runways need only be parallel with the building face. A whole squadron could take off at once with that number of runways -- a great advantage. Private planes could cross right through the middle of the commercial runways, and everyone is guided by vertical beacons. Dirigibles float up from below the runways, providing an breathtaking surprise for passengers and crew alike. The scale of this giant building puts the former twin towers to shame. Just look at the real estate it uses, abutting the empire state building. Most of the west side of manhattan becomes a convenient parking lot.
I do love this older stuff. Wonderfully imaginative. The newer schemes seem so much less grand.
(apologies for the large image, but you just can't read the print otherwise -- attached, anyway)