My "Gas demand valve" plans from Jerry Howell came today, along with some very small Tecumseh engine carburetor needle and seats parts and a diaphragm. The detail drawing of the parts I have to make seem to be well done, but it's pretty damned sparse on assembly drawings. In fact, there are no "assembly drawings" as such, just printed instructions that eventually make sense after you have read them and taken all the tiny parts out of the bags and studied on them to see how this thing works. Apparently I now have to buy a propane regulator to use with this thing, and I have no idea what that will cost, but will try to find out tomorrow. I had an email today from the waterjet cutter saying I could pick up my curved spoke flywheels tomorrow, so I'm fair excited about that. I am going nuts right now with design work, to the point where I can't get time to do my own "hobby" stuff.