The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Watch yourself out there....


I've always wondered about why people use pseudonyms instead of their real names...

It has come to light that maybe this is a good idea instead of using your own...

A friend of mine made a comment about his employer on a forum, he almost got the sack.....

No-one told on him, the employer a large national company found it themselves and very quickly too....

You have been warned, once up on the net it stays there for anyone to see, and apparently they are looking.
When a new applicant tries for a new job they search the net with ref to your listed hobbies on the application form..... 

We are not talking government or delicate positions here, just a regular job....

Yup. It sure does... Makes you wonder why all these people use things like facebook/myspace to post up crap/semi-nude pictures/drinking binges etc... I realize some of them are younger... It will catch up to some one day.

*shakes his head*


I've been using my same username for many years.  It is also my real last name, so it isn't too difficult to find stuff I've posted.

I'm not too concerned at what anyone might find.  If you wouldn't say it to someone in real life, don't post it.

Yes and that is been going on for a number of years. Unhuman resources  part of the job before and during employment. Special computers with bots that check for known names and user names. Along with the programs that can find isp's so they can weed out others.

They also had a big flap here last year about a disgruntled employee had a knock off blue oval complaint site Ford spent a lot of time in court trying to make him take it down. I think they ended up buying the site and addy from him.

There also was some people that were on a forum complaining about their boss and company. Seems it was a bogus site by the company the whole bunch got canned.

My son 12 or so years ago registered to complain about the crummy service when they started with the high speed internet. They liked to go nuts about it, tried to scare him all kinds of ways. When the story appeared on the second page of the Wall Street Journal. And were contacted about the problems with service. Their attitude changed they sent a big wheel out to work out the problems and correct the service etc. But only because the reporter told them that he would be in touch with my son to finish up the story.

I too find it amazing about facebook,and all the others etc. This morning that nut job Ashcan Kutcher is complaining about twitter and the new TV program(contest they are planning) amounts to stalking! This from an idiot that posts picture of his wife in underway on twitter. Anything to keep their names and mugs in front of the silly celebrity people public! It was said that because he made Twitter (by all his posting about his wife and her daily doings in and out of the bathroom) and is a TV producer and wasn't asked to head the project he is winning about it.Plus he is going to stop posting on Twitter! We should be so lucky  :clap: :clap:

Then you have the local nuts that are using Craiglists and other local blogging to pick targets for some help themselves to great stuff. As some people can't help themselves, or stop themselves for daily posting about the 100" flat screen TV or other neat stuff.

Let alone the sexting that the tweeny boppers are doing on up to high school kids. The one local kid that posted a picture of a 12 year old said he was just funning, and his mother didn't think he should now be a predator of course him being only 18 years old he didn't know better  :doh:

Or the woman that posted her daughters ex friends cell number and comments on craiglist in the adult services section. She didn't see what all the fuss was about when the police tracked her down.

Seems we now have things backwards, we need people to have a license to have children. and not driving or guns.

John Hill:
I have enough trouble remembering my own name without trying to keep track of one or more pseudonyms! :med:

Besides, I can always say it was that other John Hill.


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