The Craftmans Shop > New from Old

The Sequel - Oh Blimey I bought a CNC Lathe (Beaver TC 20)

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Well in this project, pre-determined is that the data lines are labelled 1-16 but the address lines are labelled 0-15, and even worse, the data line appear on pins with A(nn) numbering leading to all sorts of confusion.

However, personally I think things should be labelled as what they are! If labelling a class of four items as 1-3 and no label, you are stuck when label 2 falls off, and in the real world this happens all to often.

So I got the remaining rows 'B' & 'C' crimped and sleeved so now at last perhaps I can get down to proper testing!

That's easy!  You label all four because that way you have a check sum ;-)
Otherwise, if your tape fails you have two identically "not labelled" parts...

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

Hi Andrew
I have to admire your enthusiasm and energy pursuing  this fault finding "adventure"
In a previous life I worked as a spark and instrument tech at a combined cycle gas fired powered station
Seeing the multitude of connections on your "test rig" reminds me of  my work back then
All long gone now (including me)!!


Thanks for your kind words John.

I don’t HAVE to do this but it keeps my brain working!


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