Author Topic: Another cutting oil dispenser  (Read 3499 times)

Offline Joules

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Another cutting oil dispenser
« on: May 14, 2018, 01:16:10 PM »
Having recently watched Steve Jordan on YouTube making use of a motorcycle chain oiler for cutting oil.  I decided to give one a go on the mill, in place of my none spill Tuna tins.  The installation consists of a Bowden operated oil can and plastic oil line.  I mounted the can on the stand out of the way of the table movement, making sure the Bowden cable had a clear path and wouldn't get caught with the table at extremes of travel.

The operating lever is designed to be mounted on a handle bar, so in my case a bit of aluminium bar was turned down, with enough meat once milled to attach to the power feed table.  It seemed a good idea to have controls all in the same area in case you need to give quick attention to the power feed.

My final job is to sort out how the nozzle will be mounted on the mill.  I had thought about a magnetic mount, but will probably 3D print a clamp to go round the spindle end and attach arms that can be easily moved to get the nozzle in the best location.  The mount doesn't want to be too rigid if it ever comes in contact with the cutter for any reason it can be knocked away.

The oiler can provide a drip to a squirt depending on how much you move the lever, it is then returned for the next squirt.  No air or extra plumbing required, you can pay more attention to the job without trying to get an oil can or brush dragged into the cutter  :palm:

My next job is making up some swarf guards from perspex, they should also stop me getting called "Slick" every time I come out the workshop.  The whole setup came from Banggood for about £12.50  I will see how this works out and maybe set one up for the lathe at a later date.


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Offline velocette

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Re: Another cutting oil dispenser
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2018, 06:33:05 PM »
Nice job clean tidy and safe and does the job with minimum fuss