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Rebuilding A Grotty Chicken Shed

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--- Quote from: awemawson on April 25, 2018, 10:45:37 AM ---But commercial sheds are creosoted regularly. :med:

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I didn't like to mention earlier that that second shed didn't look like it had been annually maintained creosoted  :poke:


Nope - it never had a drop of preservative of any kind since the day it was born - poor neglected thing !

It's actually not for housing chicken but rather their feed and it's operation and maintenance for the last 11 years has been on the Distaff  side of the melee  :clap:

Only recently when things have got out of hand I ripped out the rotten fence posts, burnt one chicken house (Hooray!!), rebuilt the silly one on wheels, now rebuilt the feed shed, and no doubt I'll be preparing for re-seeding, fencing, laying paths.  :bang:

. . . how much do Sainsbury's charge for eggs ?


--- Quote from: awemawson on April 25, 2018, 11:45:54 AM ---

. . . how much do Sainsbury's charge for eggs ?

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More than the chickens charge Sainsbury's ..  :scratch:


I used to make great use of some galv steel in 6x3 sheets, that we used to call "chicken tin" Thin steel, probably .5mm , galv both sides and a light green etch primer on 1 side.used for rat proofing among many other things. you could cut it really easy and nail straight through it. You could do with a bit across the bottom of that door, if you are putting chicken feed in there! I wanted some a few weeks ago, and went to the place I have bought it many years ago, to be told "sorry mate, never eard of it" Thats progress for you!

I had intended to run some fine mesh expanded zintec that I have (left over from the plasma table rebuild) about 12" high right round the shed but didn't  :bang:

I may bend up a bit of 1.2 mm sheet zintec I have for the bottom of the door.


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