The Shop > CNC

How many DDCSV external buttons ?

<< < (3/3)

It just highlights G54, which then changes to G55 then G56 through to G59 then it replaces the Gcode with MACH in red.

- or = runs the gcode file as far as I can tell.

I don't have a USB hub but I could probably confirm this by copying the gcode file to internal storage and running it from there.

Best Regards


Well it seems my pandora upgrade will not copy files anymore. I'm assuming that the copy and paste keys are the same, tab and shift. It may be that my install was not complete but I am at a loss as to how to sort it.

Help anyone ?

Best Regards


Got a usb hub and its happy to have wireless keyboard and usb stick.
Pandora keymapping - the numbers are the keycodes. Really need to reverse engineer the keyboard driver as several keys missing, no guarantee of accuracy but its probably sufficient to make a wireless pendant from my cheapo pc keyboard.

Page R = backspace or tab 8 9 going through all pages forces reset
Tool Path =
Spidle =
Tab = F9 or / keypad 120 111
Shift =
Mode = F10 or * keypad 121 106
A- = 1 keypad 97
A+ = 7 keypad 103
X- = ←, 4 37
X+ = →, 6 39
Y- =  ↓ , 2  40
Y+ = ↑ , 8  38
Z- =  PageDn , 3 34
Z+ = PageUp , 9  33
Enter key = keypad - 109 ???

Extra functions
Escape 27 homes to main page or selects values in parameters
Enter key 13 allows file selection (z– does not do this with keyboard)

Thats it for now. My new lathe has arrived and I need to get it sorted. Hopefully new mill will be hear in a week or two so too busy to do any more on this for now.

Best Regards


Any updates regarding the keyboard mappings? I'm just curious.

Just got my DDCSV2.1 controller and also like to play around with an usb keyboard.

There is an update with some very interesting information about the keyboard mappings!


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