I roast my coffee myself, in a rotating steel drum heated by gas. Everything works great, except for whatever hard to change reason the drum is not being heated quite evenly.
Right now, I have to occasionally tip the whole contraption forwards/backwards during the roast, to shift the mass of beans around and get a more even roast. This is no problem, the thing is hinged anyway to get the beans out at the end. But it is a little more effort than I'd like, and not completely sufficient to get them even.
I already have long "fins" inside the drum that grab the beans and avoid some of them being in contact with the metal of the drum all the time. But I have had suggested that it is also possible to rotate the bean mass axially by some clever contraption. Unfortunately, I have never seen how that would work, and my imagination seems not to be enough to figure it out.
Does anyone of you have experience with such a thing, and better yet, photos/images?