The Shop > CNC

Tool changes, probing and TLO with the DDCSV1.1 - Seeking advice

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So I have been looking at as installed

Attached is the original version (with Chinese comments)

Unbelievably I managed to translate the Chinese!!

Attatched is the English version

No wonder the spindle rise to infinity and beyond: "G91 G01 Z1000 F5"

Any one care to commenty on this file??

As it was such fun translating the Chinese I decided to have a go at

If this is actually used by the controller (as I'm sure the is used) then it shows that the controller can handle very sofisticated g-code and a simple sert of language constructions/data variables/trig functions/macro calls etc.

Attatched is the translation with a bit of re-formatting

There are certainly hints of interesting things in there but, gosh, is it hard to read!

Open it in wordpad

Cari amici.... Sono veramente triste. Dopo vari tentativo non sono riuscito a far funzionare il probe in corso di programma. Volevo fare una macro per la tastatura  della torcia del plasma. Qualcuno mi aiuta a trovare i #0000 parametri di sistema . Un bel dilemma.....


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