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One for the Chemists - water softening solution.

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Now that's interesting :thumbup:

But google just tells me it's ordinary table salt in a different crystal form - those dendrites ! But makes no mention of water softening applications  :scratch:

I'm aware that salt is used in the Permuit water softening process , but that is just to pluck the calcium ions off the active resin during the recharge cycle and replace them with sodium ions - I use to order it by the ton for my Launderettes, but the salt per se didn't do the softening it recharged the resin.

Yes Andrew You are right it re charged the resin, had to go and have a read up on the Permutit site. was thinking back and its 36 yrs ago since the boilers were cut up for scrap. but the permutit softened certainly worked well.


Dishwashers use plain salt to soften water - as far as I know, also by ion-exchange, but AFAIK there's no resin or other component in the softening sytem - certainly nothing consumable?


Dishwashers have a small Permutit system built in, with an active resin that the salt recharges

Like others I've forgotten most of the chemistry I've ever learnt, :doh: :doh: but I think so far we're all missing something.  If the HCl and NaOH were mixed in exact ratios they wouldn't make it like that - salt would be much cheaper.

I suspect there is something else going on relating to how this effects the other ions in tap water.  IIRC scale is normally Calcium Carbonate and I think there is something happening that is preventing the scale from coming out of solution.



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