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Installing a VFD

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--- Quote from: awemawson on January 02, 2018, 08:11:37 AM ---ESTOP should drop power to the servos / steppers & motors so you are not relying on electronics to stop things. On my CNC Plasma table for instance there are two poles on the ESTOP switch. One tells the electronics to stop everything, but the other drops out a relay in series with the stepper power supply

--- End quote ---
Agree. On small machines, just turning the power off is probably OK.  But on something with some moving mass (like a spindle, or servo driven mill table) you generally get a faster stop by telling the drives to put the brakes on (and then turning the power off).   The decelerating spindle/axis etc.. will generate enough power to keep the drive running while it dumps energy into it's braking resistor or injects DC to trigger eddy current braking.


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